San Valentín de talentos + amistades en la universidad/Valentine's Day of talents + college friendships [ESP-ENG]
¡Hola Hivers! Ahora que terminé el semestre, mi primer semestre y que estoy muy nostálgica, aprovecharé para subir post con respecto a mis compañeros de clases, que muchos se han convertido en amigos.
Hi Hivers! Now that I finished the semester, my first semester and I'm very nostalgic. I will take the opportunity to upload post regarding my classmates, who many have become friends.
Algo que tengo que destacar de mi grupo, es que nos tocó unos compañeros excelentísimos. Su compañerismo y apoyo han sido notables... En esta ocasión pude confirmarlo porque una compañera de clases iba a participar en una demostración de talento, ella iba a bailar. Al principio de semestre descubrí que bailaba y que lo hace extremadamente bien, de hecho, pertenece a un grupo de baile. Yo iba a participar en esta demostración de talentos, pero no me sentía emocionalmente preparada para hacerlo y sentí miedo de que de repente llorara mientras cantaba o algo por el estilo... Mi amiga se presentó con su grupo de baile, que varios integrantes estudian en la universidad.
One thing I have to highlight about my group is that we had some excellent classmates. Their companionship and support have been remarkable.... This time I was able to confirm it because a classmate was going to participate in a talent show, she was going to dance. At the beginning of the semester I discovered that she danced and that she does it extremely well, in fact, she belongs to a dance group. I was going to participate in this talent show, but I didn't feel emotionally prepared to do it and I felt afraid that I would suddenly cry while singing or something like that.... My friend showed up with her dance group, which several members study at the university.
Este show tuvo lugar el 14 de febrero, el día del amor y la amistad y nosotras hicimos una gran demostración de eso. Mis amigas son todas muy atentas y cariñosas, cada una a su forma y unas en mayor medida que otras. Yo este día me fue vestida de un rosado super fuerte como símbolo de especial de este día.
This show took place on February 14th, the day of love and friendship and we made a great show of it. My friends are all very attentive and loving, each in their own way and some more than others. On this day I was dressed in a super hot pink as a special symbol of this day. This show took place on February 14th, the day of love and friendship and we made a big show of it. My friends are all very attentive and loving, each in their own way and some more than others. On this day I was dressed in a super hot pink as a symbol of the specialness of this day.
La amiga que fuimos a apoyar, se llama Estefanía y es de mi grupo cercano, es por eso que ella nos había avisado una semana antes sobre su participación. Nosotras ya estábamos preparadas para llegar más temprano a la universidad ese día para ir a verla presentarse. Ella le comentó a los demás compañeros a través del grupo de nuestra sección y muchos compañeros fueron sólo a apoyarla.
She is from my close group and that is why she had warned us a week before, we were already prepared to arrive earlier at the university that day to go see her present. She told the other classmates through our section group and many classmates went just to support her.
Muchas personas no se enteraron sobre este evento y por eso no participaron. Descubrí que hay muchísimos talentos en el mundo, simplemente también hay muchas personas con pena de mostrarlos.
Many people did not know about this event and therefore did not participate. I discovered that there is a lot of talent in the world, there are just a lot of people who are too embarrassed to show it.
Yo de verdad me sentí contenta de todos los talentos que estaban demostrando que tenían y especialmente de como el compañerismo es algo de los que gozamos durante todo el semestre.
I was really pleased with all the talents they were showing that they had and especially how the camaraderie was something we enjoyed throughout the semester.
La actividad duro aproximadamente media hora y cuando terminó salimos corriendo al aula de clases porque teníamos el examen final x duna materia y por cierto, mi pareja para el examen era la bailarina.
The activity lasted about half an hour and when it was over we ran to the classroom because we had the final exam for one subject and by the way, my partner for the exam was the dancer.
Muchas gracias por acompañarme hasta aquí y dejar que les cuente mis historias.
Thank you very much for joining me here and letting me tell you my stories.