Preparing for Christmas


(Image Source Dall-E)

Ever notice that there is an abundance of noise all around us in normal life?

Sometimes its people talking loudly on the bus.

Sometimes its that annoying person blasting music in the park.

Sometimes its the police car, firetruck, or ambulance rushing to an emergency late at night.

Or the neighbors dog who won't stop barking.

Or the cat that is caterwauling late at night.

Or the roosters that wake up way too early in the morning.

How far do I have to go on? There is noise all around us.

But what does noise pollution have to do with Preparing for Christmas? The two are totally different, aren't they?

Unfortunately I wish that were true.

You see I work as a Pharmacist and after Black Friday (American Thanksgiving) the background music switches to Christmas music all day long.

As a Christian I enjoy Christmas hymns and a lot of Christmas music celebrating Jesus, Christmas and God's gift to the world. Working in retail means that the songs that I hear do not reflect that at all.

In Western Culture "Christmas" has been turned to "X-mas" (the X designating crossing out "Christ" from Christmas). I personally find X-mas to be insulting. The Christmas (or should I say X-mas) songs that go on the radio are all about Rudolph, Santa, and buying things. "Santa Baby" is one of my least favorite 'Christmas songs'--its all about a woman who wants money money and more money for Christmas.

It's more than just the lack of Christ in Christmas

As much as I dislike the "Christmas Season" because it has lost Christ from its meaning and it has been distilled down to celebrating consumerism and buying items--there is a worse part of Christmas.

Even worse than the constant reminder that I should buy things for those that I love. More than the constant pressure to spend money to buy their afffection. More than the subtle message "buy things" or be a bad person.

The worst part is

Christmas Music

Music played on a loop 2hrs in a loop, 8 hours a day for a month and a half. The same music over and over and over and over. Each song a reminder that society has taken Christ out of Christmas. Each song a reminder that society has taken God's gift as a way to make money out from our gifts.


(Yes, Dall-E again).

This leaves me in a tough spot.

I love Christmas from a Christian perspective. It is deeply meaningful to me as a Christian and a treasure in my life.

I loathe Christmas from a consumerism perspective. The pressure to buy more. The pressure for me to give more. The pressure for me to be "happy and jolly" because its December 25th. That is so very annoying!

I mean the Bible doesn't even mention when Jesus was actually born!

The popular idea is that December 22nd is the winter solstice when the "Sun Dies" and 3 days later the "Son of God" rose from the deal. Sure its a great symbolic date but is it truly Jesus Birthday? there is a 1/365 chance its right but totally guessing.

Christmas preparation--earplugs

Noise pollution is awful.

Noise pollution from background music in stores is worse.

Noise pollution from background Christmas music is worse.

Being forced to listen to it every day on loop. Ugh.

Please make it stop!

And that will be my rant for the day.

I should write longer/better on the topic but I'm at the deadline for the #hivelearners post prompt timeframe.

Hope you enjoyed my rant!

Feel free to post comments, I love commends
