Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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My dear friends of Buskeria, today I want to tell you an interesting musical news that I personally was very interested in when I got to know it. It turns out that the group I am going to tell you about in a few moments I have been following them for years and I have listened to many of their works. I can't say I've listened to all of them because today July 26th is the release of the deluxe 40th anniversary edition of the Synchronicity album. Now I guess if you don't know the band that created the album you must have been left in the air, as we say around here haha 😅. Don't worry I'll tell you that the band I'm talking about is The Police.

Ok, but let's take it easy here, I want to remind you for all of you who don't know that this album was released in 1983 for the first time, remember that we are talking about a re-release. But what would be so great about it if it's more of the same thing we've heard before? Well, let me tell you that you are going to fall backwards because the new edition is going to have original material included, that is to say, music that the original release did not have, redundancy aside😅.

There is something very interesting that I want to emphasize, and it is something that has caught my attention. I am referring to the amount of things that are included in this work. I am going to tell you about some of them. The first thing is that four vinyls and six cd's are included. And it is not surprising the amount of cd's since the album has in total more than 80 songs. I know it's a lot, in fact I don't think I've ever seen such a big album since I've been listening to music. I'm sure there are bigger ones, but this is the first one I've seen.

By the way I can't forget to mention that 55 of those songs are originals. These are the ones I was telling you about in the paragraphs above. It's a lot of music, believe me. There is enough to listen to all day long. In fact there are some that last 8 minutes, that's all I can say 😀. In addition to the music and includes a book, photographs of the band from their best years and more things that remain to be reviewed.

And to finish this brief musical news today I want to tell you an interesting fact Synchronicity in its original version was a hit, in fact it reached number 1 in several countries. It is said that the band sold a lot of records, more than 15 million copies if I remember correctly. I think any fan of the band knows which is their best song in this work, Every Breath You Take, for me and for many is the best of the work, but of course the others are also excellent.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying New cards in the Rising Star market.



Well ladies and gentlemen, my favorite section of the day has arrived. It's time to show you my latest acquisitions in the amazing and beloved game Rising Star. Today I bought 3 new cards as usual. A combination of low price and features is what led me to buy them. But so you can see them for yourselves, below I show you some of their details.


The first card I loved and bought this morning is called: R406 Jude. This card belongs to the rare card section. I liked it mainly because it gives me about 130 extra fans that I didn't have. Also because it gives me about 120 extra skill points which are very useful to deal with my ego. On the other hand, it also gives me 3 luck points and 3 IM points.


I'm sure you're curious to know how much exactly this card cost me, well, I won't keep you waiting any longer, this card cost me around 12k starbits on the in-game market. Which seems pretty affordable to me. I think it would be a good idea to buy a few more. I have to mention also that I really liked the art on this card, the blue colors look really cool. Super cool. The personalized phrase on this card is: “Hey, don't make it bad”.


The second card I bought this morning is called: 175 Kia. This card reminds me of the car brand that has a very similar name haha. This card, unlike the previous one, belongs to the category of common cards. In this case, it only gives me about 10 fan points and 5 skill points. In this case it has no IM or luck. As you probably know, this is normal for common cards.


The price of this card is obviously much cheaper than the previous one, since its characteristics are much lower than those offered by the rare card. Specifically, it cost me about 1k starbits. The phrase that appears on this card is: “Oh dear, Kia has no idea”.


And now, we come to the last acquisition of the day: 176 Rudy. This common card gives me 5 fan points and 5 skill points. It's funny that this card is the inverse of the previous one, it's a bit funny you know. I bought this card because I'm raising my skills a bit too, since the ego is getting closer and closer and I don't want that to happen. The card cost me in the market 1k strabits just like the previous one. The phrase of this card is: Gets his name from his attitude”.


My overall progress in Rising Star.

Well, friends, now we move on to the next section, which by the way is the last one of the day. As you can read in the title of the section, I'm going to show you my progress in the game. I hope that with this data you can see how much I'm advancing per day and in this way you can stay up to date. So without further ado, I'll show you.

My current level is 56 with 572 XP/ out of 2800. I started this level a few days ago, my next goal is level 75. My skill on the other hand is still the most valuable with 25517 points. My fans total 14795. My luck is: 1723. My IM is: 197. And finally, my card collection now totals: 444.


Well, dear friends, that's all for this post. I hope to see you again in the next one. See you next time
