Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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My friends, how nice to be able to share with you today some new musical news. You know before I start with today's news I want to tell you about a recent observation I have had. This week at least in Spain and the United States there have been less releases by the most renowned singers. It caught my attention because last week there were a lot of releases. That was my observation. Although of course this is completely understandable, making a new album is complicated.

Now that I have told you about my observation if you can call it that haha, I want to tell you about today's news. Well the thing is that Sam Smith, a singer that I like a lot for the quality of his music, has decided a few days ago to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his first album. If my memory serves me correctly, that album was In the Lonely Hour, which by the way I already listened to. Well, for that reason he decided to make a peculiar and even special reissue, I would say. Among the new features, there is an updated version of one of his hits, called Stay with Me. By the way, this song, which initially was not the first single of the album, was in my opinion the one that made him more famous in his time and until now, of course.

As I said at the beginning, all this is to celebrate this decade of work. What Sam did was to re-record Stay with Me, but in this case with a more important difference, with modified lyrics. As I see it, it is my opinion, I have to clarify, the change in the lyrics is important because it adds in some way a new dimension or view to the song. For example instead of the original part that I remember saying (but I'm just a man), now you hear (but I still need love, baby understand), which is good because it changes the meaning and it even feels new, you know.

If you are wondering if any official news was made about the announcement or if Sam has said anything, the answer I give you is yes. In fact I am going to tell you where the first details were given. The announcement was made through a letter, digital obviously 😀, this was addressed to his followers on his website. In this letter he talks about the importance of Stay with Me for his own career, he mentioned that this song is important for him and explained some reasons. You can read it if you want too.

To go along, friends, you should know that in addition to the new version of the song, the reissue of In the Lonely Hour will include a possible collection of more than 20 other songs. All of them are new as they were recorded at live concerts in other venues. As always it is sure to be available in various formats, like the typical vinyl that refuses to go away, haha. All this should be available next August 2nd, we still have to wait a few days to hear the complete work. When it comes out I will tell you about it.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying New cards in the Rising Star market.



What does it say in the subtitle of this section my friends? Well yes, that's right, now I'm going to show you all the new cards I bought today in my favorite game Rising Star. I tell you that there were several, but I'm going to show you 3, which I think were the best for me to continue progressing in the game. Next I will tell you all the details of each one.


Well friends, to begin this section I present the first card I bought today, I mean nothing more and nothing less than: R434 Gabby. This card as you can see in the images I leave you is rare and belongs to the people section. Well this card gives me 115 of fan. It may not seem much, but I believe that one today and one tomorrow can make a difference. I remind you in case you don't know that I have a goal in development to reach 20k fans. And for me every letter at a low price counts, that's why every day I look for them. By the way, before I forget, this card also brings me about 90 skill points and another 3 luck and IM points.


As for the price, it is quite affordable, as you can see in the screenshot above. It only cost me around 9890 starbits, which is not bad at all. You should know that I have bought some cheaper ones in this post. The tagline of this card is: “She's got the gift”.


The second card I bought today is called: 187 Tone. This card, unlike the previous one, is a common card and as similarity also belongs to the People card section. Of this card I already had some previously bought, but today I saw it at a good price and decided to buy some more. This card only brings me 2 equal things, 10 fans and 10 skill. In this case no IM or luck.


As for the price, this card is much cheaper than the previous one. As you can see in the image below, I bought it in the in-game market for only about 1.5k starbits, while the other one cost more than 9k. The phrase on this card is: “Speak to him with only a respectful tone”.


Finally, I am going to show you the last card I bought today. It is 148 Nora. This card, like the previous one, is common. It offers me 10 fans. The price is also very interesting, since it only cost me about 1369 starbits, which is the cheapest of the day. Its usefulness is practical if you want to increase your Fans. The personalized phrase on the card is: “Yep, she is Kinda batty”.


My overall progress in Rising Star

Well friends, as the final section of this publication I leave you my usual summary of my progress in Rising Star, so you can follow my evolution. I'll be happy to show it to you:

My current level is: 55 with 2528 XP out of 2750. My current IM is 192. My current fans are in total: 15746. My luck is: 1717. My skill is 25297. My total card collection is now 438.


Well my dear friends this is all for today. I am very grateful for your visit on my post. See you in a new opportunity. Have a great day.
