Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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My dear friends, in the news I want to tell you today there are several news about the same singer. I am more than sure that you must be curious about who I am referring to, right. Don't worry, I'll tell you right now who it is. Well, I'm talking about Jade Thirlwall. At least I have followed some of her previous works, I know her by that name, but now for you it will be simply JADE, because she has changed her stage name.

The thing is that Jade just released 4 days ago her first solo song or solo as you want to call it, haha. The title of this work is Angel Of My Dreams. Personally I really like this title I think it is able to connect with some people just with that. By the way Jade is now ex Little Mix, since she split from the group in 2022 to prepare this work we have today. In a few words to start a solo career.

If we talk about the song itself, you should know that it is quite original as it makes so to speak a union of 2 different styles. For example in the beginning it starts as a pop ballad and then in the middle and end of the song I noticed that it changes to a more summery banger. I hadn't seen something like that done that way until now. So I give it my point of originality.

By the way there is also a music video that accompanies the song. I think that this video has a well done narrative. JADE tells the story of her career in music, going through her humble beginnings and then getting to the part of her success. The video includes references to her previous work in the other band she was in.

I tell you that in the credits of this work is Mike Sabath, a producer that I remember that also worked with Jade in Little Mix.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying New cards in the Rising Star market.



Well friends we move on to another section in this beautiful day. Now I want to tell you about the purchases I have made recently in our beloved game Rising Star. In today's particular case I have bought 3 new cards. All these cards I have bought thinking about increasing my fans.

  • As I have said in the past days I want to reach the goal of having 50k fans as fast as I can, because this will benefit me in my starbit earnings. I am still a little limited by my current level, which is 55, I hope to reach 75 as soon as possible to unlock the last mission of the second island and move on to the third one. In the next few days I will be working on it. Now without more to add I show you these 3 cards that I bought.


Let's start with the first card I bought. This one is called R511 Jaxon. I bought this card mainly because of the amount of fans it offers me and also because I found it at an affordable price. Among the things it offers me are 115 fans that come in handy. It also offers me 3 luck and 3 IM. And to complete 90 skill points. As you can see it is a very good card.


The price of the card is as interesting as it was the most cost effective I could get at the time of purchase. It cost me about 8587 starbits. Not bad considering what it offers. I plan to buy more these days to continue to grow my fan base. The motto of this card is: “Action Jaxon, you're on”.


Well friends, now let's go with the second card I bought today. This one is called: 128 Toby. This card offers me only one thing, which is 10 fans. In this case it brings neither luck nor IM. I had already bought some of this card before but today I bought more because I found it very cheap. Now I show you the price:


The price of the card is 1980 starbits. As you can see it is a very economical price. Maybe I will buy more of this one too. It all depends on which one is more profitable at the time of purchase because as you probably know the price changes day by day. And that is why it may be convenient to buy one or the other. The phrase of this letter is: “Toby in Your band or not Tobi, that is the question”.


And now it's the turn of the last card I bought today. This one is called: 127 Chris. This card, unlike the previous one, has skill as it brings 5. And in the case of fans it brings me 10. I could buy this card in the market for only 1300 starbits, I would recommend to buy this card before buying the previous one. Especially because this one would be more profitable in the long run. I bought it on the market just after buying the second card. The phrase on the card is: “He's taking the piss. He can't keep time at all”.


My overall progress in Rising Star

Well friends to finish this post I leave you a summary of my latest progress:

My current skill keeps increasing steadily as I plan to buy a lot of fans and I want to be ready to fight the ego. I have 24977. My IM is now up to 186. My fans have increased to 14245. My luck is now: 1711. My current level is: 55 with 1746/2750 XP. My card collection is now 432.


Well friends this is all for today, it has been a great pleasure to share this post with you. See you soon.


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