Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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My dears, in today's new news order I tell you that Stay Homas, a band made up of 3 very well-known singers, since they became famous during the covid pandemic a few years ago. Well, what I want to tell you about them is that the guys have just released a new song relatively recently. They have called it with the name of to lo ke. Yes, I know, it may be a little difficult to read this name, it happened to me. By the way, this new song belongs to the pop genre.

Before continuing, I would like to tell you in case you don't remember that what made them famous in the pandemic, as I said at the beginning, were their daily videos and songs from a terrace in Barcelona during confinement. I personally had the opportunity to listen to several of their songs, not all of them, but a good part, not live.

Going back to the new song, I also tell you that they made it in collaboration with KICKBOMBO. The song, according to them, seeks to show what they are and what they have lived, something that will also be part of their future. The lyrics convey the idea of ​​living intensely and not getting stuck in the past, a message that always goes down well. I really love the message. In fact, I can tell you without any shame that I feel identified with it.

Also, the release of to lo ke coincides with their presentation at the Mad Cool Festival in Madrid. If you are there, don't miss them on the Mahou Cinco Estrellas stage. They also announced an international tour for this fall, which will take them to Europe and Latin America. And many more places that are not yet known, because the band has not announced them yet. I think it is a good opportunity to meet them in person, if you have the chance of course.

Finally, friends, I'll give you a curious fact: the band will release a documentary called The band that shouldn't exist, which, as far as we know, will review their entire career from its beginnings during the pandemic. The documentary will be presented at the Malaga Festival on July 23 and will then be available on online platforms.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying new cards in Rising Star



That's right, friends, as you can read in the subtitle, it's time to move on to the next section. Now I'm going to show you my latest acquisitions in our beloved game Rising Star. I've bought 3 new cards with the aim of collecting them and increasing my current fan base to reach 14k of my own. I want to clarify that all of them are very accessible, I mention this in case you also want to acquire any of them. So without further delay I'll show them to you:


The first card I bought this morning is called: R247 Kendal. This card, as you can see in the screenshot I'm leaving you, belongs to the rare cards section. This card gives me several things, first of all 100 fans, which as always is what suits me best. Secondly 100 skill which is not bad either. Here I make a small clarification, as you know this characteristic of providing the same amount of fans and skill is very good because it helps you balance your ego. I always try to buy cards with similar characteristics to this one. In addition to what I mentioned, this card also gives me about 4 luck points and 2 IM points.


The price of this card as you can see is not more than 9k starbits as it cost me only 8.5k. This was the most expensive card for me on this day. But it is still very cheap and a great purchase option. The phrase on this card is: “Married to Barbiedal”. Haha, the phrase on this specific card is very funny. That is why I never miss the moment to read the phrase on a new card I buy, some have very interesting things.


The second card I bought to collect this morning is called: 151 Eliana. This card, as you can see, belongs to the people section and is common. It offers me only 1 thing, in this case 10 fans. Because of this card's low characteristics, it is advisable to buy it in several quantities, so a better difference is made. I remind you that there are several websites where you can make this process easier. Some developers in the community have created excellent tools for this purpose.


As for the price, it is cheaper than the previous one, as it only cost me about 1900 starbits. This card is more geared towards leveling up your fanbase for cheap. The phrase on this card is: “A Shady character but not too bad at singing”.


Finally we come to the last card I bought today, I mean 146 Bones. This card is the second cheapest of the day since it only cost me 997 starbits. This card, like the previous one, is a common card, but it has a difference with respect to the previous ones. It gives me 5 skills while the other one had 0. In the case of fans, it gives me 10 just like the previous one. The personalized phrase of this card is: “HE knows the skins inside and out”.


My most recent progress in Rising Star.

Well friends as you know everything that begins must end and this post is no exception. We have reached the final stretch but that does not make it any less fun. Now I am going to show you a brief summary of all my progress in the game so you can follow my progress. Without further ado, I show you.

My skill continues to dominate the statistics with 24132 accumulated. Thanks to this I no longer have ego problems. On the other hand my fans are now 13525. My luck is 1696, My IM is 172. My current level is 54 with 2420 XP/of /2700. My total card collection is: 417.


Well my dear friends this is my post for today I hope you liked it and above all it was to your liking. Well see you in a new post greetings.
