Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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What's up, band, today I have some news that may interest many of you. I'm telling you that OneRepublic, the band that has given us hits like Counting Stars and Apologize, has just released a new song, Hurt. You should know, as a curious fact, that this song is important because it is a preview of their next album, that is, Artificial Paradise, which will be released on July 12th. In a few days, practically.

I'm telling you that the song Hurt tells us about the ups and downs of a romantic relationship, with lyrics that suggest that love is not always easy and can bring its complications. I really liked lines like If you want my love, then babe, I'm gonna make you hurt for it, it is clear that the road is not easy. Despite the message, the song is quite lively, very much in the pop-rock style of the band.

On the other hand, I also tell you that the album Artificial Paradise will include 18 songs, some already known such as West Coast, I Ain't Worried, Runaway, Sunshine and Fire, which is the anthem of the Euro 2024. It is known that this album has been in the making for two years, but the band says that the idea was born much longer ago, back in 2016, when they began working on West Coast.

The band has explained that the concept of Artificial Paradise came to them thinking about the digital world and the life we ​​show on social networks. They seek to find something authentic in the midst of all that artificiality, a real connection in an increasingly technological world.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying new cards in Rising Star.



Well ladies and gentlemen, my favorite part of the day has arrived. It's time to show you my latest acquisitions in the amazing and beloved game Rising Star. Today I bought 3 new cards as usual. A combination of low price and features is what led me to buy them. Well, but so you can see them for yourself, I'll show you some of their details below.


The first card I really liked and bought this morning is called: R499 Vanity. This card belongs to the Rare cards section. I liked it mainly because it gives me about 115 extra fans that I didn't have at a low price. But also because it gives me about 90 extra skill points that are very useful for dealing with my ego. Of course, in order to take advantage of it I have to buy a lot more. Otherwise it doesn't make any difference. Besides those 2 things it also gives me 3 luck points and 3 IM points.


I’m sure you’re curious to know how much this card cost me exactly, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer. This card cost me about 7130 starbits on the in-game market, which seems pretty affordable to me. I think it would be a good idea to buy a few more. In fact, at the time of purchase, this was the most profitable card in the game. What do you think? By the way, the personalized phrase on this card is: “She really loves hersel, but she is awesome.”


The second card I bought this morning is called: 164 Jameson. This card, unlike the previous one, belongs to the common card category. In this case, it only gives me about 5 fan points. And in the case of the skill, 10. This one has no IM or luck. As you know, this is normal for common cards.


The price of this card is obviously cheaper than the previous one, since its features are inferior to those offered by the other card. Specifically, it cost me about 1139 starbits. The phrase that appears on this card is: “He’s a bit hit and miss, bit of a whisky choice”.


And now, we come to the last acquisition of the day: 169 Declan. This common card gives me 10 fan points. In this case, it does not give points in the other categories. For this reason, it is one of the cheapest cards I could buy today. Specifically, it cost me about 950 starbits. I think that to buy in quantity and raise fans at a low cost, it can be an option to consider. The specific phrase of this card is: “He tries to give him a break”.


My overall progress in Rising Star.

Well, friends, now we move on to the next section, which by the way is the last one of the day. As you can read in the title of the section, I'm going to show you my progress in the game. I hope that with this data you can see how much I'm advancing per day and in this way you can stay up to date. So without further ado, I'll show you.

My current level is 53 with 976 XP/ out of 2650. I started this level a few days ago, my next goal is level 55. My skill on the other hand is still the most valuable with 21961 points. My fans total 12415. My luck is: 1670. My IM is: 150. And finally, my card collection now totals: 393.


Well, dear friends, that's all for this post. I hope to see you again in the next one. See you next time.
