Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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What's up, folks. In the latest news I bring you today, I'm telling you that Kasabian has just released their eighth album. In this case, it's called Happenings. This new material came out on July 5th, just a few days ago. By the way, it has generated quite a bit of buzz because their fans have really liked it. Now, let's take a look at the most relevant aspects of this release.

First of all, it should be remembered that this is the band's second album after the departure of their original vocalist, Tom Meighan. Now, Sergio Pizzorno has taken the lead as the new voice of Kasabian, a change that has brought both support and criticism. Pizzorno already had experience on vocals thanks to his side project The S.L.P., and that more electronic and experimental style is noticeable in Happenings.

On the other hand, the album includes ten songs that (mix) rock, electronica and funk, if you can call it that. The first song is Darkest Lullaby, and the last one Algorithms. What I have noticed about this work is that the band tries to maintain a more dynamic energy than in their previous works.

As a curious fact, I tell you that Happenings has a total duration of only 26 minutes, with each song around three minutes. As you can see, this fast format seems to be a bet to keep the audience's attention.

As for production, Sergio Pizzorno returns with the collaboration of Mark Ralph, known for working with bands like Rudimental and Friendly Fires. It is important to mention that Kasabian is still a band that feeds on its live performances. Although not all fans have welcomed this new turn in its sound. The band already has dates scheduled in England and hopefully they will soon announce a world tour.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying new cards in Rising Star.



Well friends, as every day comes my favorite section in these posts. Next I will show you in detail the latest purchases of cards that I have made in the game market in our dear and beloved game Rising Star. I can tell you in advance that I have bought as usual a total of 3 cards. So without further delay I show them to you:


Well friends, to start this section I present to you the first card that I bought today, I mean nothing more and nothing less than: R391 River. This card as you can see in the images that I leave you is common and belongs to the people section. Well this card gives me 150 fans and 150 skill. As you probably already know this quality is very good because it helps you level your ego level very easily while increasing your fan level. In addition to those 2 things the card gives me 4 luck and 3 IM.


As for the price, it is quite affordable, as you can see in the screenshot above. It only cost me about 11907 starbits, which is not bad at all. You should know that I have bought some cheaper ones in this post. The phrase on this card is: “He is forever flowing”.


The second card I bought today is called: 141 Kayla. This card, unlike the previous one, is a common card and as a similarity it also belongs to the section of People cards. This card only brings me 10 fans. In this case we don't have the other characteristics. As you surely know this is normal for common cards.


As for the price, this card is a lot cheaper than the previous one. As you can see in the image below, I bought it in the in-game market for only about 2k starbits, while the other one cost more than 11k. The phrase on this card is: “Give her a break, she is still learning”.


Finally, I'm going to show you the last card I bought today. I'm talking about 146 Bones. This card, like the previous ones, is common. It offers me 10 Fans and 5 Skill. The price is also very interesting, since it only cost me about 900 starbits, which is the cheapest of the day. Its usefulness is practical if you want to increase your Fans. The personalized phrase on the card is: “He knows the skins inside and out”.


My overall progress in Rising Star

Well friends, as the final section of this publication I leave you my usual summary of my progress in Rising Star, so you can follow my evolution. I'll be happy to show it to you:

My current level is: 53 with 709 XP out of 2650. My current IM is 147. My current fans are in total: 12285. My luck is: 1667. My skill is 21861. My total card collection is now 390.


Well my dear friends this is all for today. I am very grateful for your visit on my post. See you in a new opportunity. Have a great day.
