Musical Reflections, Musical News, Buying new cards, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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Well, my dear friends, in the new order of news that I bring you today, I want to tell you that last June 28, very recently, the singer Omar Apollo released his second studio album. Well, he called it God Said No. In case you don't know, you should know that this album comes after his first work Ivory, which came out in 2022 and was, so to speak, what made him more famous. I personally had the opportunity to listen to that work as well.

Among the first details I want to tell you is that God Said No was created in collaboration with producers Teo Halm, Carter Lang, and Blake Slatkin. Production took place at Abbey Road Studios in London, as well as studios in Los Angeles, New York, and Miami.

This album has a total of 14 songs. After listening to some, I can say that it focuses on heartbreak and the complexities that arise from a breakup. The truth is, it's quite interesting.

Now let's talk about the songs I liked the most. The first one is Spite, I liked the rhythm of this one the most. And also Plane Trees, which is quite powerful. By the way, these two had the collaboration of Mustafa. Not to mention Dispose of Me and Less of You, which create a perfect atmosphere for a house party. Well, or if you live alone, one just for you haha. Also, there is a special collaboration with the actor Pedro Pascal in the song Pedro, where Pascal shares a voice note about a difficult moment in his life.

A curious detail that I would like you to know is that the title of the album, God Said No, seeks to show resignation in the face of uncontrollable situations and the suffering that comes with accepting things as they are. Omar Apollo has integrated several musical genres in this work, for example pop and dance.

Finally, I'll tell you that Apollo has also announced a North American tour to promote God Said No, starting on August 20th in Indiana and covering 29 dates. Before the album's release, he performed some of his new singles, including Spite, Less Of You and Dispose of Me, on television shows such as The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Well, friends, that was the music news for today. I really hope you found it useful and that you liked it. Now, as usual, we move on to the next section of my posts to show you my progress in Rising Star.

Buying new cards in Rising Star.



Well, friends, we move on to another section on this beautiful day. Now it's my turn to tell you about the purchases I've recently made in our beloved Rising Star game. In today's particular case, I bought 3 new cards. I'll tell you that 1 of them is rare and 2 are common. So without further ado, I'm pleased to show them to you.


These past few days I've been aiming to get 12k fans of my own, so I've been investing my earnings from the game into new cards. In today's case the first one is called: R507 Sair. I bought this card mainly because of the amount of fans it offers me and also because I found it at an affordable price. Among the things it offers me are 135 fans which are very useful. It also offers me 135 skills, 4 luck and 3 IM. As you can see this is a very good card. And of course it should also be mentioned that it helps you avoid ego because it offers you the same amount of fans and skills. So to speak it helps you level out your ego. It's like giving music lessons.


The price of the card is as interesting as the most cost-effective one I could get at the time of purchase. It cost me around 7986 starbits. Not bad considering the things it offers. I plan to buy more in these days to continue increasing my fan base. The motto of this card is: “Pretty hair, lots of flair, and many personal issues to share.”


Okay, guys, now let's move on to the second card I bought today. This one is called: 180 Kasim. This card offers me 2 things, first 10 fans and second 5 skills. In this case it doesn't bring luck or IM. By the way, if you don't know, this is one of the newest cards in the game in the common people section. It went on sale a few days ago.


The price of the card was 1500 starbits. As you can see, it is a very cheap price. I might buy more of this one too. It all depends on which one is more profitable at the time of purchase because as you know, the price changes day by day. And that is why it may be convenient to buy one or the other. The phrase on this card is: “He looks a little nervous, give him a chance”. This phrase is a bit funny haha.


And now it’s the turn of the last card I bought today. This one is called: 181 Rebecca. This card, like the previous one, is common and is quite new to the game. It was also released a few days ago. It gives me 10 fans and 5 skills. I was able to buy this card in the market for only 1500 starbits, just like the previous one, a coincidence. The phrase on the card is: “She might be smiling, but really her arm is stuck”.


My overall progress in Rising Star

Well friends to finish this post I leave you a summary of my latest progress:

My current skill keeps increasing steadily as I plan to buy a lot of fans and I want to be ready to fight the ego. I have 20906. My IM is now up to 135. My fans have increased to 11650. My luck is now: 1653. My current level is: 52 with 1264/2600 XP. My card collection is now 378.


Well friends this is all for today, it has been a great pleasure to share this post with you. See you soon.
