Leo As A Front End For Songs On YouTube

One of the keys is to keep people returning and viewing pages. With Threads, this is something that isn't going to happen for the most part since the content is fleeting.

At the same time, we know the SEO for the site might not be up to standard to have the search engines drive a massive amount of traffic. Thus, we are relegated to pushing things in a more manual manner.

Here is where this idea. Utilizing containers, which is the basis behind Threadcasts, we can create libraries of content. From this, we have to ask the question, what do people regularly access?

Now we are on the subject of this article: We can use Leofinance as a front end for songs on YouTube.

Building Containers of Songs

The first task is to build some containers full of songs. This was done on 3 occasions today.

Here are the links:




You will see this is simply a thread with a series of replies under it, similar to a threadcast or threadstorm. The key difference is the reply is the name of the artist, song, and YouTube link.

Then, when the reply with the song in it is clicked, it open in its own page.

This particular container has some songs that were popular in the 1980s.

Tag As The Library

After this, we can also start assemble a library.

In one container I started to use the tag #song. This is noted by the 49 threads in it at this moment.

When we open the tag, we see the individual threads which are nothing more than songs.

Again, we can scroll down, find one we like, click on it, and listen to it in its own thread.

Now we have something to return to and that can be built upon. Of course, for this to happen we need the indexing issues to get straightened out and older threads not to get zapped.

If that is the case, then we can build a library of songs, tagged and named. Couple this with a search and we might be able to have an epicenter of music available to people on Leo.

More Time On Site

The key as always is to give people are reason to spend time on the site. This is what all are trying to do on the Internet. Getting people to the website is one thing but it is equally important to keep them there.

Having a collection of information and libraries of materials that people want is important. In this example, we used music which is universal.

Of course, the benefit is anyone can set it up. All kinds of music can be catered to. It only depends upon the individual and what he or she likes.

Over time, we can only imagine how many views something like this would amass. The threads, once indexed, are there, It is only a matter of the tags being picked up and people being able to click on what they want.

Another factor is how other tags could be added to further break things down. This could also be tied to a music community (or a particular genre within music).

As we can see, there are many different ways this can go. All of it is designed to give people more reason to click around the site and spend more time here.

One final feature that is handy: bookmark any containers with songs you like and that way it is easy to find.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Blocktunes? I could swear that this is what @thelogicaldude is doing!

Maybe I'm hearing it wrong but I think that this is what you need. Absolutely we have an amazing amount of resources to compile block chain music!


Very cool idea! Basically using Threads for playlists. I'll jump right on this.


I support that idea its great to get traffic
