Enter: The Reverend Maelstrohm Black


Mournful Salute & Reverence...
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I Am The Reverend Maelstrohm Black,
@ your service...

Pleased to make thy acquaintance!

I am the creative force behind Taphophilia, it being the very first official music project I have undertaken, since circa 1999.
I wrote a song named "Emilie" that as so kinf of a folorn lost love ballad, with a high melancholy index, yet the aforementionned unrequited infatuation became some kind of a bleeding wound, so I was but able to heal by turning it into something else altogether, which I gladly did!

Hence therefore the following call:

ENTER The Reverend Maelstrohm Black's TAPHOPHILIA!

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/1qCmZc7cfr8qIRu1dICrRK?utm_source=generator)

My Eyes See You As I Am Staring at YOU, MB.png

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Taphophilia Color Banner Cemetery Final).jpg
