Remember 1999?



If you were around in 1999 then you undoubtedly remember the Y2K bug. People were worried that the Y2K bug would cause computer systems to fail at the start of the year 2000. This was because many systems used two-digit year formats, which could interpret the year "00" as 1900 instead of 2000, potentially leading to errors in date-sensitive processes and the whole world shutting down xD

I remember new years eve 1999 for a different reason. I was over at my girlfriends house in Seattle and at about 11pm we decided to take a walk to be alone for the changing of the year (she still lived at home). After a while we found ourselves on a street where new homes were being built, so we decided to go in one. Thy were still just the wood frames and walls and mostly open to the world.

Once inside we were exploring the rooms and we found the framed area where the bathtub was going to go and it was a perfect place to sit and look out over the city as the Y2K bug erased the population of the world did nothing. We didn't care either way though, as we were quite "busy". It was actually a romantic night that I still think of now and again.

Now, let's look at a defaced American Eagle coin to celebrate the #usa!



My dad gave me this coin at some point in the early 2000's. He's not a silver stacker and I have no idea where he got this ridiculous colored coin. I don't think the US Mint colors these things. That's just a guess but I feel like it's an after market thing some other company thinks is a good idea.

The printing is not even lined up with the detail on the coin. Silly.

Oooo, the American Historical Society is the culprit.

O M G 🤢 🤢 🤢!!!


Wow, I wonder how many 'muricans canceled their membership to the American Historical Society over this travesty xD

Who would even order this? Honestly, can you name someone you know that would want this thing? I guess if they sell only one at $19.95 they probably make $15 so fuck it, might as well print some of this trash up and hook a sucker or two!


Look at you Mr. Romantic…… now you like Greek guys…..🤣🤣🤣
Yeah if you use a magnifying glass you will see the color is done with dots like an old dot matrix printer. Very undetailed and very sloppily done. But colorized coins such anyway.


AFAIK its even a felony to make something like the $2 bill - and not only because of the bad taste. Its simple forgery, and its not taken lightly by the FBI I heard. Similar with the silver dollar, at the least it could be seen as "alteration", which is also illegal. Well, at least it looks like a genuine silver dollar, but even that can be a fake. I have seen Canadian Maple Leaf coins on offer on Amazon - which were made in China. They looked completly real, but were not made from silver nor were real Dollars.
And this offset printing on it is really lowest quality, I cant imagine the US mint would produce something like that.
Have you tried weighing it yet? And measuring? Also it has milk stains, which is not typical for silver dollars, I think. A cheap silver coating?
Oh well, at least you can keep it as a curiosity. :)


Yes the folks that did this should be put in jail...poor taste prison!! 🤣
