RE: Creating your own musics with AI for free!
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Sweet! I will have to check it out.
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Sweet! I will have to check it out.
Yeah, give it a try the more I dive into the AI abyss, the more amazed I become with what I see
This is really cool! I spent all of today's credits, and now I can't wait for tomorrow. (Yes, I am excited, but not that excited that I'd buy a subscription.) In a couple of days I believe I'll have something worth posting about!
That's amazing man! I've been trying some ideas too, tag me when you post your music I would like to listen to it =D
Sure will do! I also tried to find your music, but I couldn´t manage to do a search on your name (even if it was the same as your Hive one). As for sharing the music I created, I think I can link them in directly.
yeah, I had a look now and I didn't find the search for specific user, but I found the way to get the direct link to. however I see we can make the music public so there must be also a way people can find our music that we set to be public.
Well, I have set a few of my creations (MY??? - remains debatable) that I thought were a bit more on the successful side, to public. Let's see what the reaction will be.