RE: More music - Leko

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The open source tools are pretty good these days. I've not got into writing out music I compose as it tends to be basic chords plus some improvisation. At least with these tools we can hear how it will sound even if we can't play the instruments.

This is very different to the previous piece. Very atmospheric. Lots going on in there and I like it.


I get by only on open source, so even if it isn't always able to compete with commercial products, I make the things lacking part of the work. Making it work is part of the art is another way to say it.

Art have been made for thousands of years without computers, so I actually like to have to think out solutions sometimes. That said some of the open source programs are the industry standards nowadays and it only becomes better with time.

And thanks. This piece is something I have really been learning a lot from. And it's funny and interesting to write music!


I expect a lot of people are still unaware that open source even exists. They just accept that you have to buy (or maybe rent) software from big companies. I am pragmatic about what I use. A lot of apps on my phone are proprietary.

I had a friend who was really into composing, but I have lost touch with him and have not seen updates online. He was also an open source purist who I first met at a Linux user group and I later joined his drumming circle. I expect he would enjoy your work.


Yes, Linux on the desktop and all that is more or less a lost case. I am just happy that I can use it. As for the phone I also have Android, but I am not really a phone person. I often forget it and then my wife calls me on Signal voip to get to me :)
