RE: Creative Work Hour Shines a Light on Three Tune Tuesday

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I don't make it to CWH that often. Some days I am in the office where I can't do it and others I'm at home and busy. I do listen to a lot of music when working from home. Some of that is Spotify suggestions, but I check out a few TTT posts too.

I don't know if I've heard GoGo Penguin, but I like it. There's elements of Philip Glass along with EDM. The Who really were innovative in their time. I've met a couple of people who had encounters with them in the Keith Moon days. He was really off the scale.

I've been to plenty of gigs on my own. At one I chatted for a while with a guy who plays bass in a few major bands.


Gosh darn it! I lost my reply as I finished the fourth paragraph. Grrrrrrrr. 👹

Okay, now that I have that outta my system, let me say that I, of course as we all do, adore having you drop by Creative Work Hour #cwh. But rather than think of it as you don't come that often, I say CWH was designed from the ground up to survive and thrive despite busy schedules, illness (founded in the pandemic), travel, moves of house, loss of home, automobile accidents, mental health challenges, and even Christmas Day (notice I paired those together! 🤣).

We'll be here for you and the Hivians every day. Rain or shine. So stay busy, do your thing! I reckon that you swing by at least once a month and we love seeing you every time. I don't hold on tightly, but but keep it light and breezy. It seems to works for everybody. Maybe you've heard me say the CWH motto before, "We'll see ya, when we see ya!!"

As for our music backdrop, did you know we have own Composer-In-Residence? I know! It's crazy! Some of that work is actually being re-orchestrated in September. @andysporring is our Mæstro, and as soon as @bitterirony and I are settled in at @hivefest, we'll be talking to @brianoflondon about how Andy's work might best be presented to the Hive community. Something tells me, you may have some good ideas, too!

See you in Croatia 🇭🇷 before you know it!
Much love!! 😘



I hope we can have some discussion at Hivefest about what Hive can do for musicians in general. We have loads of amateur music, but need more from those creating original stuff whilst trying to build a career on it. Their time is precious, so they need value from wherever they post it.

HF is coming up fast!
