Urban Stars (Musical Event) Luxury Photos (Special Edition.


Hello my people I hope you are all super well, I send you all a big hug and I wish you a happy start of the week, happy Monday for everyone.

Today friends is something different that I am going to present because it is one of my facets as a photographer that I like the most and I had time that I did not exercise it, which is to go to musical events to take pictures, and more to this type of urban music events, where I can meet a lot of emerging artists and above all share with great friends..

The photos that I present today are the summary of an urban cultural event to which I was invited as a photographer along with other colleagues, which do very good work. Event called “Estrellas Urbanas”, several emerging artists were presented and above all there was a lot of sharing between artists and artists, this great event was held this past Saturday, and it was incredible. The organization was in charge of the people of Puracalleseria crew, which are a group of graffiti artists, they together with the people of the BarCafè Delcora and the urban artist Scan, thanks to them all this was possible.

And of course they will continue to make events in this space that has been recovered for art and urban culture, if you are fans of urban movement of rap music, trap, reggue, etc, and graffity, and are from Caracas or Los Teques here in Venezuela I invite you to the space that is great.

I hope you like this photographic work which I was able to document, thanks for reading and see you in another post with more photos of artists, models, events, etc. but especially of the special editions of my archives. A Thousand Blessings

Hola mi gente espero esten todos super bien, les mando un gran abarzo a todos y les deseo un feliz inicio de semana, feliz Lunes para todos.

Hoy amigos es algo diferente los que les voy ha presentar ya que es una de mis facetas como fotografo que mas me gusta y tenia tiempo que no la ejercia, lo cual es ir a evento musicales a tomar fotos, y mas a este tipo de eventos de musica urbana, donde puedo conocer a cantidad de artistas emergentes y sobre todo compartir con grandes amigos.

Las fotos que hoy les presento son el resumen de un evento cultural urbano al cual fui invitado como fotografo junto a otros colegas, los cuales hacen muy buen trabajo. Evento llamado "Estrellas Urbanas", se presentaron varios artistas emergentes y sobre todo se compartio muchisimo entre cultores y artistas, este gran evento fue realizado este sabado pasado, y fue increible. La organizaciòn estuvo a cargo de la gente de Puracalleseria crew, el cual son un grupo de graffiteros, ellos junto a la gente de el BarCafè Delcora y el artista urbano Scan, gracias a ellos todo esto fue posible.

Y claro esta seguiran realizando evento en este espacio que se ha recuperado para el arte y la cultura urbana, si son fanaticos de movimiento urbano de la musica rap, trap, reggue, etc, y del graffity, y son de caracas o los teques aqui en Venezuela los invito al espacio que esta genial.

Espero les guste este trabajo fotografico el cual pude documental, gracias por leerme y nos vemos en otro post con mas fotos de artistas, modelos, eventos, etc pero sobre todo de las ediciones especiales de mis archivos. Mil Bendiciones.

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