#35 History Of Rock Music: DISTURBED: SICKNESS.

Hello my people I hope you are all super well, in today's edition of rock stories, I will share with you a little bit about DISTURBED, which for me is one of the best rock bands on the planet, with an incredible sound, a great guitarist and a great vocalist of a great level. The truth is that this band makes you experience a lot of things with their lyrics which are very adult themes that make you reflect on many things. Enjoy the report.

Hola mi gente espero esten todos super bien, en la ediciòn del dia de hoy. de historias del rock, les compartire un poco sobre DISTURBED, la cual para mi es una de las mejores bandas de rock del planeta, con un sonido increible, un guitarrista genial y un vocalista de un gran nivel. La verdad que esta banda te lleva a expimentar una cantida de cosas con sus letras la cuales son tematicas muy de adultos que te llevan ha reflexionar muchas cosas. Disfruta del reportaje


cover made by me.

A band unknown to most of the Spanish audience until they opened for Manson's last tour in Spain. In America they are already big, with two million copies sold of their debut Lp, “The Sickness”. Disturbed are a Chicago combo full of rage and irascible aggressiveness. Although they keep similarities with un metal, they move away from the movement and far from being labeled, they establish themselves as an original group, novel and with their own personality.

Una banda desconocida para la gran mayoría de la audiencia española hasta que abrieron la ultima gira peninsular de Manson. En America ya son grandes, con dos millones de copias vendidas de su Lp debut, “The Sickness”. Disturbed son un combo de Chicago lleno de rabia e irascible agresividad. Aunque guardan similitudes con el un metal, se alejan del movimiento y lejos de quedar etiquetados se asientan como un grupo original, novedoso y con una personalidad propia.



Its keys, the amazing riffs of Dan Donegan, of nervous rhythm and tendency to “headbanging”, and the vocal versatility of David Draiman, a kid from a conservative family who gave the upset at home when he decided to be a heavy singer. The rest of us have had a lot of fun with his voice, constantly changing register and turning 180° towards an absolute tearing.

Sus claves, los acojonantes riffs de Dan Donegan, de nervioso ritmo y tendencia al “headbanging”, y la versatilidad vocal de David Draiman, un chaval proveniente de una conservadora familia que dio el disgusto en casa cuando decidió ser cantante de heavy. Al resto nos ha dado muchas alegrías con su voz, cambiando continuamente de registro y girando 180° hacia un desgarro adsoluto.


Cover Album The SICKNESS

After recording a demo and catching the attention of the Giant label, the potential of these guys was released with their promising debut, which put them at the forefront of the future metal scene. Soon they were opening for Ministry, sharing the bill with Marilyn Manson, and overwhelming the audience with their unrelenting brute force. The ground begins to tremble under our feet. Disturbed arrive ready to turn everything upside down, including the most resistant charts.

Tras grabar una demo y captar la atención de la discográfica Giant, el potencial de estos chicos salió a la calle por medio de su prometedor debut, que les dejo en el pelotón de cabeza del metal futuro. Pronto estaban teloneando a Ministry, compartiendo cartel con Marilyn Manson, y apabullando al publico con su inexorable fuerza bruta. El suelo ya comienza a temblar bajo nuestros pies. Llegan Disturbed dispuestos a ponerlo todo patas arriba, incluidos los charts mas resistentes.



Well my people I hope you like this little report on this band is not very long but I think it is accurate, I invite you to look for more about this band and if you have not heard, listen to their music that is very interesting indeed. A thousand blessings and see you in a new post with more of this digital magazine, rock stories.

Bueno mi gente espero sea de su agrado este pequeño reportaje sobre esta banda no es muy largo pero creo que si es preciso, los invito a buscar mas sobre esta banda y si no la han escuchado, escuchen su musica que esta muy interesante la verdad. Mil bendiciones y nos vemos en un nuevo post con mas de esta revista digital, historias del rock.

