17.OCT.2006 - Stratovarius [ESP/ENG]

Primera banda que amanezco para verla, estaba en primera fila. Recuerdo que mi entrada era la número 1, como desde las 5am estaba de 2do o 1 primero en la fila, y por supuesto vi el concierto en primera fila, estaba en esa epoca muy pegado escuchando stratovarius desde hace años, hasta varios CD originales tengo.
Stratovarius World Tour 2005 - 2006, se presentó en la concha acustica de bello monte, en Caracas, Venezuela. Segun dicen, Stratovarius pensaba que no iba a ver mucha gente en Venezuela y se sorprendieron al ver 6500 personas. Estuve cerca de agarra una baqueta de Jörg Michael.
Timo Kotipelto (Voz)
Timo Tolkki (Guitarra)
Lauri Porra (Bajo)
Jens Johansson (Teclados)
Jörg Michael (Bateria)
First band that I woke up to see, I was in the first row. I remember that my ticket was number 1, as from 5am I was 2nd or 1st in line, and of course I saw the concert in the first row, I was at that time very glued listening to Stratovarius for years, I even have several original CDs.
Stratovarius World Tour 2005 - 2006, was presented in the acoustic shell of bello monte, in Caracas, Venezuela. They say that Stratovarius thought they were not going to see many people in Venezuela and they were surprised to see 6500 people. I was close to grab a drumstick from Jörg Michael.
Timo Kotipelto (Vocals)
Timo Tolkki (Guitar)
Lauri Porra (Bass)
Jens Johansson (Keyboards)
Jörg Michael (Drums)