Alternative Weekend: Nothing Remotely Normal
I was thinking this morning, ‘I am a little burnt out with posting’. The Urban Exploration scene, at least regarding me is drying up some, and although I have almost a years worth of content, writing about it can be tedious.
Music has always been a huge part of my life, and I feel blessed that I am one of those souls who can lose myself into the sounds and harmonies if played loudly enough. A side-effect of doing this over the last several decades has had its effects on my hearing.
I struggle to hear high-frequency sounds, and female voices are one of those issues I have, especially in the workplace. If they would just speak louder, I find myself thinking frequently.
Still, I refuse stop listening to loud music, if the rest of my family are out. It’s a gluttonous, indulgent treat that I will not deny myself of. So here are some tunes, unfortunately not any more mainstream than my usual shit. Sorry about that, not sorry.
Tragic Kingdom – No Doubt (Tragic Kingdom – 1995)

I was fortunate enough to see Miss Stefani and co. in 1996 around the time of the launch of 'Tragic Kingdom', their third studio album. A friend of mine had an obsession with the band, and convinced me that it was in my best interests to see them live.
‘Don’t Speak’ was either riding high in the charts or had been recently, and though it was a monster hit, that did not quantify success or sell out shows. This one was at the Manchester Academy, a small venue and all standing.
During ‘Spiderwebs’ the crowd, mostly made up of University Students started vigorously swaying around, and I had to use all my strength to keep from falling and being crushed. I vowed from that day, to only frequent sitting gigs.
‘Tragic Kingdom’ has a little more balls and progressive vibe to it, than the usual fare from this band. It quickly gained my attention and stuck out as a favourite, even if you can’t hear a damn word of Gwen’s vocals.
Loser's Day Parade – Kino (Picture – 2005)

Finding information on Kino is not so easy. There’s a Wikipedia page for them, but it’s some Russian band with the same name. Isn’t there supposed to be copyright laws prohibiting such terrible plagiarism?
As ‘my’ Kino was formed much later then they would be the ones stealing the name, and ‘Kino’ were supposed to be a super group formed by ex-members of other bands, Chris Maitland, formerly of Porcupine Tree being one.
After one album, they dissolved into nothing, so much for the super project?
‘Loser's Day Parade’ is your typical progressive style long song, going through a mixture of themes while winding in and out of loud and quiet sections, with some especially strange quirky sections. I particularly like the end, even though it sounds like, ‘nobody gets company cars’.
That’s one way to cut the costs down I guess. Kino’s sound does remind me of ‘Frost’ a little, I am sure @steevc will be interested.
On Most Surfaces (Inuït) – The Gathering (Nighttime Birds – 1997)

It’s going to be a while before my appetite is sated when it comes to Anneke van Giersbergen and her old band, who am I getting to appreciate more by the day.
The blokes playing are not in fact a bunch of greasy doom metal heads but fine musicians indeed. René Rutten is a decent lead guitarist with a driving sound who visually reminds me of Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains. It must be the hair, more so the colour.
This live performance is from the 25th anniversary concert in 2015. How I would have loved to see this gig, even though some of the early vocalists of the band kind of fuck up some of the songs with their contaminated efforts.
Thankfully just Anneke sings on this one. Silje Wergeland is fine, but those singers before Anneke joined such as 'Bart Smits', I wish they were absent.
‘On Most Surfaces’ is a driving, chuggy affair and best played loud. Mix some menacing grungy metal guitar with overlaying synth’s and I’m practically at the mercy of the music.

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I got two broken ribs at a metal concert once from involuntary crowd surfing. After that I was well wary of trying to get anywhere near the front of a standing gig. Seating now does seem like a pleasure!
LOL, what does that mean? Did they lift you up and make you do it!
How was crowd surfing, before the part where they part and you fall to ground breaking bones?
HAha, that is exactly what happened. With a crowd of folk and a guy from work I knew only slightly gave me an evil grin halfway through and grabbed my thigh and just hoiked me up in the air. Next thing I knew I was being carried all the way from mid crowd to the front. It was weird and a bit exhilarating, then the bouncers at the front pulled me off the crowd and into the gap but in the process I kinda dropped on to the metal barrier. Felt a bit sore, thought nothing of it till the middle of the night when I woke up and couldn't breathe with the pain.
A lesson learned!
I have seen this often. Is this a way to get yourself kicked out of the gig, or did they let you stay with a harsh warning?!
They just gave me a warning, like keep that ujp and you are out. I was like, I didn't even want to do it, I was thrown up!
I didn't even realise that people could or would do that to someone
Two chances before they kick you out, very gracious of them!
You know bouncers, the kindest folk on earth! :OD
Ah, don't be so pussy now @meesterboom. That only surfing through the crowd is where human warmth is truly found. ¿What are two or three broken ribs at this point in the game? };)
Haha, ah yes. It was a small price to pay!! 😀😀
A small price to pay sounds about right and I would probably agree with you... if it hadn't been for the fact that @slobberchops surprised me a bit with his musical selections in this post. Since I always believed and I had the impression that our good friend was also another ol'fart from our same generation.
Ole slobs is a man unchained by convention!! And younger than The Zimmers!
Never heard any presented above of the three Kino would be my selection. Ironically moving out ones comfort zone isn't always easy, change is good!
That Kino song is a little heavy, not in the metal sense but requires several plays for it to sink in. Not for the 3 minute Backstreet Boys type fans (such as @bingbabe ☹️).
Will have to let it sink in more perhaps, many need more time to settle into listen properly. Boy/girl bands never reach anything but teenybopper status.
Many years i don't go to live concert, u not burned out on posting look at this great one!
Thanks, sometimes I don't want to write and feel I do simply for the sake of it.
Thats the idea? We need to feel free when we write, doesnt matter what people Say o they think (not saying either we should make mediocre works) writting and posting sometimes is just that, freedom.
Would be great if u check any of mines ⚡⚡🤛🏻
I am a big fan of some female singers. Luckily my hearing is still reasonable. I still go to standing gigs as some are too small to be seated. Those tend not to have much in the way of moshing.
I bought that No Doubt album when they had their big hit. It's got some decent song, but Gwen went off to do her own thing.
I was familiar with Kino. The similarity to Frost may come from John Mitchell who is in both. He's been in a lot of prog bands and is a good guitarist too.
I have had titanus for decades, long before the hearing went. It never bothered me, though I hear it drives some people mad. Unless I focus on it, I can't hear it.
I noticed they did a second album in 2018 or so. It might have something decent on it. 'Picture' is very flakey, with only a couple of songs I like.
John is not a bad singer, but I feel he lacks range. He's done a load of solo albums, but I've not listened to all of those.
We just the same here
I feel like The Gathering just came on my radar a bit ago. I will have to go back and look at my Spotify playlists to see if that is actually the case. I dig No Doubt, Gwen can be a bit crazy sometimes. I don't feel her newer stuff is as good as the old stuff. Bathwater is probably my favorite song of theirs.
I had to look it up! After Tragic Kingdom they totally left my music radar.
Music plays an important role in our lives and that is why it is very hard to survive without music
It has been long I wemt for concerts though
Indeed, it would be difficult to find some new places for Urban Exploration post. I already asked you how you could find such places still standing. They would already be collapsed and replaced with a new building :)
There's a few popping up, but they are in decline. I am out tomorrow for 3.
That mix of music genres you've described is truly eclectic. Keep those eardrums buzzing and your stories coming!
I'm sure that's just an excuse for ducking out of doing household chores when you're given orders
@bingbabe frequently gets mad as she has to repeat herself. I feel like Saucepan from 'The Faraway Tree' kids books.
...I didnt ask for this!...
I used to read a lot of Enid Blyton when I was a kid, but I never come across The Faraway Tree. I was more of a Secret Seven and Famous Five kid
I loved all those too, I was an insatiable Blyton fan as a kid. From the days when the protagonist could be called 'Fatty'. 😀
This Kino sounds pretty interesting,
Same here, and my hearing is also appalling, although technically those problems started when I was 5 so I can't blame loud music for the poor hearing. It does mean that whenever I have music on headphones, then it is on full blast. It also helps to drown out the world and its relentless, abject misery. So that's a plus! 😅
It does feel sometimes that I'm grinding a post out for the sake of it... I'd really like to post about music (there is always something new playing here), but I find it so difficult to talk about. Music connects on a deep emotional, almost spiritual level, but I really struggle to put it into words without feeling like I'm talking absolute bollocks.
As for the music here, that No Doubt song was unexpected, although I only really know the band from the Don't Speak single... Kino were interesting and the quirky sections were pretty good, although not quite enough 'oomph' for my liking... The Gathering however sounds much more up my street, and I'll be adding it to the ever increasing list of bands to check out further!
Good to hear from you again, especially regarding music!
I once got told to turn the volume down on a train, I was wearing headphone at the time. You are not the only one 😀
Mandylion especially is the one you should look at. They mellowed later although the theme of doom metal is still apparent. There are some similarities with the doom phase of Anathema, that I noticed.
I'm still here, plodding away. I mostly just run now... but there's odd posts here and there about different stuff. I will try to write about some music...('try' being the operative word here!)
Ha! Yep! I often get stares on the bus... sometime I get self-conscious and turn it down, other times I ignore them, I don't wanna hear kids screaming, people shouting (or the weird guy who keeps trying to talk to everyone...)
Noted! I'll go give that one a go :-) Anathema is another name I see thrown about frequently, I'll come back to that one too.
In the spirit of sharing, check out the below from ARD (bandcamp)
Doom, played very slowly, some quiet soft bits, some very loud bits... but most importantly for you it features only clean vocals (almost bordering on Gregorian Chants at times...)
I watched both 'Lost Kingdoms' and 'Vikings' series last year. This tune would fit either of them during contemplative sections very well, esp. with the recital of Cuthbert that starts during the middle. They should look to bands such as this for some atmosphere.
If it's Anathema, then it has to be this, esp. the latter part. Hope you already know this one.
I really wasn't aware that 'Anneke van Giesbergen' also has made name outside of the Netherlands to be honest? But indeed...lovely voice and good to see you have got some music in there. Can't always be outdoors to go urbexxing right?
Yeah alternative...good one..Its gonna rain here today so that is screaming to get some guitars in there as well
She hasn't here, I came across her by accident and was drawn in. Now I am a big fan.
I'm still doing it. Got chased by security yesterday as well as drenched by the rain 😀
I really start to feel this after just a single week of posting daily and trying to put extra effort in. It can be pretty tiring, especially after all those hours of work and it ends up paying minimum wage. Hehe, you really have to enjoy the process, for sure.
I have also been having trouble with high frequency sounds, especially over the last 5 years or so. The tinnitus is just terrible. I hear several high pitched frequencies and their harmonics constantly. It is like a choir of angels doing one long neverending note in my head. Way too much Metallica in the 80s
Everyone seems to get this differently. It doesn't bother me, and is a high pitched whistling noise. I know it keeps some people awake, but with me, it sends me to sleep! If it wasn't for the hearing loss, then I would welcome it.
That's the part I haven't quite figured out yet. Most of the time it doesn't bother me at all. Then seemingly out of nowhere I notice it when I am trying to fall asleep and can't stop thinking about it. I think I just get this thought in my head that I'd love to just have silence, but I can't ever have it again. So it becomes more psychological torture than anything else.
As for hearing loss, I can't really figure out how bad it is. I seem to have the most trouble with people who talk to quietly when there is background noise. Especially in crowds. I never used to have this problem. The frequencies in my tinnitus seem to cancel their voices out - especially women as you mentioned.
I became aware of it around 1999 when a friend of mine was complaining about it. I felt like it had always been there, but at that point it was not affecting my hearing. That started around 2017 or so.
It becomes an issue in the workplace too, esp. when it's noisy.