Alternative Weekend: Mostly Berlin
My memories of 1982 were facing another day at work, aka 'The Horrors of Kwiksave', unsuccessfully trying to get a girlfriend (while remaining a geek), catching the bus and trying to con the bus driver that I was still a schoolboy thus getting the fare at half price (while commuting to work), and keeping an eye on the music scene.
The bus drivers were getting wise to my attempts, even though I looked around 15 years of age.
That was 41 years ago, and looking back the music was quite extravagant compared to the current scene (that I ritually ignore). 41 years before 1982 would take us to 1941, which is the war years, filled with songs from Vera Lynn and the big bands.
History is not going to repeat itself, and I can't see another time period that might contain big spiky hair, more make-up on the boys than the girls and ridiculous 'put-on' voices that while obviously fake, were doubtless of some interest.
Drowning in Berlin – The Mobiles (Mobiles – 1982)

With @nathen007 in mind, this one came up in my memories. I know he has a thing for Hazel O'Conner who may be veering more to 'Punk' than 'New Wave' so I am confident he will remember 'The Mobiles' and their one hit wonder, 'Drowning in Berlin'.
As this was getting on half a century ago, it is getting tough to find decent video footage that's not a blur of pinks, yellows and whites. My mind's eye remembers clear images, but VHS tape tends to wear out after this amount of time and what remains is far from clear.
After some searching and dismissing several 'Top of the Pops' renditions, this one is a little clearer and shows 'Anna Maria's' 'amazing' dance routines.

...'if you were a bloke then you needed to be blond to be a member. It was quite mandatory'...
Up, down, arms clasped, with some attempted robotic movements, it's quite laughable and the cheese level is high. The bloke next to the singer looks like a blond skin-headed zombie. Very standard fare for the times.
The song is still memorable to me, a dark sleazy synth driven number with some dodgy fairground music in the middle, and just look at how many of them are holding guitars! Can you hear even one guitar playing?
The Mobiles did nothing after this apart from one other minor hit. They were to split just two years later and vanish into the oblivion.
Like Flames – Berlin (Count Three and Pray – 1986)

While it may appear so, this post is not themed about the German capital, it just happens I picked a couple of songs that contain its name, and are totally unrelated.
I read with interest that the famous 'Take my Breath Away' resulted in the band disbanding just one year later. 'Count Three and Pray' did not sell very well, despite the monster balled being present and some members of the band were not happy that the song was not written by any of them.
Pride maybe? I bought the album (CD actually), some years later and found several gems including 'Like Flames' which appears to be some kind of anthem for this band.

...'Terri Nun is not in the least German, but American and still in outstanding condition for her age. The voice may not have stood the test of time quite as well'...
Historically I tend to dislike anthem or signature songs. 'Naaa na na, Naaa nan na na' is hardly ground breaking stuff or thought-provoking material, nor is whistling through a tune both at the start and end, but I figure this is an exception.
Could it be I simply like the drive and power this track contains? Just like the previous song, I struggled to find decent footage but caught a good one after some searching.
Terri Nun's vocal range was hardly extensive, but she had something apart from being damned good looking.
Even the Spirits are Afraid – The Gathering (Souvenirs – 2003)

After posting two songs from the 1980's, I feel I have to add something that's not quite so 'dinosaur'. Just twenty years past is almost as bad, but at least it was written and produced in the current century.
I feel a decent way to pick out the highlight songs of any new band are to watch their live performances. Most performed songs will be their best ones and that will save you some time wading through the 'bloat' that bands add to their albums.
I am little disappointed this band is not as wholly decent as I expected.

Some of their songs are not so memorable and having listened to 'Souvenirs' in its entirety, the title track and this brilliant gem stood out like sore thumbs.
'Even the Spirits are Afraid' has been performed live many times but lacks the gritty distorted guitars that meld with that doom synth overlay which makes the studio version so special.
If you're wanting to hear the real deal, along with an important and necessary simple piece of guitar work around the middle that culminates in a saturated grizzled resonance, this is the version your ears need to be opened to.
Work told me today that I am forced to take two weeks off at Christmas. Great you might think, but as a contractor I see it as loss of earnings.
That's if they even decide to extend my current contract which expires close to the end of the year. It could be the 'rock and roll' for me shortly' I fucking hope not.

Guitar Image - Source
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Ha, such a memory pretending to do be a kid to get the half fares. I tried that for an overly long time too!
I didn't even know I knew In Flames until I listened to it there!
Pesky work, forcing you to take time off 😀😀
There's some 8th generation taped copies around on YouTube that have better settings than 'Countdown', which is quite nauseating to watch now. You would barely recognise Terri in some of them.
It all seemed so clear then, TV and it's low-def!
Before when I was watching some old thing I was thinking the same, this wasn't blurry years back but it seems that time hasn't been kind to the copies before they made it digital!
VHS copies have not fared well. I have a few sitting in the loft, that freeze in the winter and boil in the summer.., and no VHS player.
I saw some VHS to digital device a while ago. It was after I had rid myself of my last tape!
Music before now had actual messages passed across. I don’t understand what we’re listening to these days.
For me it's a case of I don't like the current sounds, but just like 'before' artists copy others, resulting in many more occurrences of the 'same old shit'.
One or two I do pick out, but they have annoyances, such as the vocals of today which tend to be over-wavering, and the verses boring with the chorus trying to make up for it.
Some fun picks! I haven't heard Like Flames since the 80's, I'm pretty sure I have the original vinyl stored away somewhere. Teri Nunn was definitely damn good looking though!
You needed to own 'Count Three...' to know about this song. Berlin were more than 'Take My Breath Away'. 'You Don't Know' was probably my favourite.
You Don't Know was an awesome song! Take My Breath Away was one of my least favorites. I loved the album Pleasure Victim.
'Take My Breath Away' was overplayed. I never got past 'Count Three..'
Pleasure Victim was from 1982. I think I have it and Count Three and Pray both on vinyl. I'm going to have to dig out some of my old records!
I had a listen to the singles on 'Pleasure Victim'. They seem very poppy and synth driven, a far cry from the guitar led 'Count Three..', is it all like that?
They have several more upbeat songs like The Metro (which was their biggest hit on the album), but they did up the guitar in Count Three. I think mainly because the mainstream music was heading more into glam rock so they evolved along with it.
The guitarist does have the 'glam rock' hair for sure!
Back in the eighties I think that was a requirement to be employed as a guitarist!
I do remember the first one, but couldn't have named the band. They were going for a Cabaret vibe. I didn't know Berlin beyond their big hit. I hope they made some money from it. There's so much luck in the music industry. You need to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people to make it big. It's different these days, but there is so much competition for attention.
I'm not finding much music that's new to me that I really want to explore lately. I keep going back to some old favourites.
I remember this down to a tee, and bought 7' single. Even the TOTP routine is memorable, but I had nothing to do in 1982 (besides try and keep out of Dire's way).
Berlin are back together again, but has she still got a voice?
I really only know "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin. I will have to check out their other stuff because I never really would have pegged them as an alternative band.
I feel they grabbed on to "Take My Breath Away" to get some attention. It wasn't written by the band and is noting like their other material. In any event, the idea went to shit and they parted company soon after.
Okay, I will definitely need to check them out then.
The old should not remain in the past, it should always be remembered, thank you for a very nice and enjoyable article.
The songs are so wonderful
I really love them
Genius! 'Drowning in Berlin' is an absolute classic and so under-rated. Experimental, slightly bizarre and captures the perceived essence of Berlin cabaret perfectly. I think 'The Model' must have been around the same time as this (yes, just checked). Seems it was a bit of a transition year in the charts. Bucks Fizz, Musical Youth, Shakey and the Goombay Dance Band vs OMD PHD Kraftwerk and the tail end of The Jam.
Anyway, enjoy. From 1980
Hazel was slightly terrifying and a little too angry for my mid-teenage self, my heart was with Siouxsie.., and the Banshee's signature sound 😀.
The Mobiles song had some style but watching the video now, it looks quite ridiculous. I don't think I could show it to my 20yr old daughter and tell her I used to dig this stuff.
They nicked some ideas from Steve Strange and Visage.
She was terrifying. That mouth! Steve Strange, Rusty Egan and Visage, which leads us nicely to Spandau Ballet ;-)
Here's some useless information for you. I remember asking a Tunisian bloke (who spoke and understood only slightly better French than me), what 'Devenir gris' meant in English.
I even played him 'Fade to Gray' and he didn't know. Useless bastard! Well before the internet of course.
Never heard any of these before. Quite liked all 3,although thought the carnival music in the middle of the first really spoiled it. Was quite surprised at the Berlin tune - I had totally written them of as unlistenable after that over done ballad.
Nice picks !
I only know 'Count, Three and Pray' and must have bought it off the strength of the single. None of the others songs are remotely like the Top Gun song.
Discovering gems like this on an album years later is one of the joys of being a music enthusiast—it's like finding treasure in your own collection.
It's also a reminder of how the creative contributions of each band member combine to create a distinctive sound, even if the hits aren't penned by them.
Ah lol that trick of yours reminds me during my college days where I go to school and back home free fare from jeep (our public transpo)
Just sometimes I run across one owned by my Tita or the conductor isy school mate that says he got a crush on me 🤣.
Christmas is really coming!
Great picks!
The Mobiles have two guitars and one bass, by the way 🙂
Hope you get a nice Christmas surprise with another year full of work.