Post Rock #midimonday

Here are a few postrock/progrock songs I've made in the past for this #midimonday

This one is called The Cathedral. It has a sort of medieval feel to it but with a fancy delay pedal on my guitar to make it more modern sounding. I don't direct record my drums, instead I tap them out on my Roland Handsonic in midi. I mostly use Toontrack's drum libraries as they sound the most accurate for acoustic drumsets.

Here is a little mixture of a post rock jam and some 3d animations I created in 3ds Max and various renderers. The song starts off with a combination of my home-made partsocaster and Musicman bass along with Superior Drummer. All the effects and amp simulators come from Positive Grid's Bias FX 2. The Superior Drummer kit a full ludwig kit in the Rock Solid EZX. I also added some dirt and fx to the drums via EZ Mix to get rid of the dry sound.

This one is called Dark Winter and it has more of a bluesy feel to it. I did my typical midi drum setup but also introduced some virtual instrument synths via my midi guitar. Great way to easily add some riffs if you don't want to try and figure out how to add harmonies on a keyboard.

Here's an experiment where I tried to make my guitars sound like synths. I had to program the Meris Enzo pedal a bit with midi to get the right sounds, fortunately there's a software that a random guy made that lets you send midi programming to the pedal. Otherwise it would have taken forever tweaking the knobs to get the sounds in time with the beat.

That's all for now, thanks for listening :-)


A lot of content today 🙂 I like the Cathedral. Its also really cool on Dark Winter when you show you playing all four guitar parts.


I gotta wake up super early to get back to guitar recording again. No acoustics for now as that would wake up the baby.
