Fix You/I'm Yours/No Woman No Cry/One Day (Cover)

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Before the End of December 2022, I joined the HivePh Discord Community's Talent Show for the Members enjoyment, and it was a mashed up songs that was on the top of my mind. While doing some editing I've realized it was almost what my whole 2022 was, and here are the songs and the relevance and meaning of them to me, collectively the theme for Hive Open Mic - 143 is Voice of Hope by @magicfingerz

Fix You by Coldplay

Somewhere in the middle of 2022, a shocking incident happened within the server when one of the member suddenly passed away. I remembered I was supposed to dedicate this song to her, post it on 3speaks and gather donation for her, but the thought of people might see it differently, I decided not to, plus the fact that I new to the server and I wasn't really that close to her nor her sister that still in our member group, and since the staff members where on it and have a plan to collate a post for donation for her.

Personally, it was the same time I was fixing my self, refocusing, rebuilding my self for myself moving on from my personal troubles. This song has always been a reminder of me that almost any thing in this world is fixable if we really want to. This inspires me that walking away and moving forward by learning from past mistakes that was done to us, or mistakes that we have done for ourselves.

I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

Another song that reminds me for every single thing from my past love experience, for all the hate, all the anger, all those negative words that came out of my mouth, as some point in needed to be still and think of all the goodness in the world, the other half of things, the other side of it all, and as I look from within all I can see is Love. This is what keeps everyone going, this what keeps everyone happy, motivated and sane. so for everyone, I hope you find this for your self to.

No Woman, No Cry

Similar to the song before, This reminds me that whenever we are down, whenever we frown, most especially when we're at our worst and feeling alone and mostly cannot open up ourselves to our close family. Our closest friends within our inner circle, and sometimes strangers from discord servers can become a family that we can share our troubles and help us define our motivations and can give us clarity.

One Day by Matisyahu

For more than 10 years, I have never opened our Television set, never turned on to the local News. Why? for us, it was always been negativity, telling people how to Fear, Telling people What we can and cannot do, Telling us False Hope and Promises, Dictating what we should be, treating us like the bottom fish that they want us to be. Realizing this made me believe that it all starts from within. ME. I'm not saying my life is perfect, nor saying it will be perfect, the truth is there's no such thing as perfect. but I let everyone know and understand this thought, then we can help shape the world to be a better place. I still have faith in humanity that One Day, Each and every person will stop the fight, stop the hate, stop the violence, stop the war, and One day we will all be FREE of this Mental Slavery.

Looking Forward Now

A wise person told me before that we are a "forgetful creature", and I couldn't agree more, I have done this before, I've experienced all the love and hate before, I have learn these things have talking about and still relearning them back, I have been in the worst position in my life and came back and back again and again.

And so as I post this on the blockchain, it will be immortalized, and would be a reminder to me 1 year after, for whatever I may be soon. I would smile back and say "Oh yea! I remember this! Oh Yea! that is right! Why the f- am I troubling my self with this sh-?!"

I made sensiblecast, to share the knowledge and wisdom of Peace, Love and the utmost Truth about it. Speak my mind with sensibility of this crazy world that we live in. Life ain't perfect guys. Life has its balance, you can tilt it one way and the other side will falter. If you have ever encountered me you probably see me say or used the gif. 👇


Because anyone can deny this there whole life. some may never understand this, some will laugh at this. but if you're sensible enough to accept the imperfection of life, then you have truly accepted your self and you will be happy.

And may that be my first good news for everyone. I hope everything will be great for you this year! ✨

So what are your plans for your 2023? Care to share on the comments?

"As above, So as below. As within, So as without. As the Universe, and so the Soul."

- Hermes Trismegistus -

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314665508_500798205398870_1647781559940967091_n.pngHi! This is sensiblecast / mebu (on discord). If you have reached this point that means you've read my post! and for that,
THANK YOU! Feel free to comment down below for any suggestion or reaction, or anything you want me to discuss! 🙂
This will help me create better content than the previous one.

Til next time see yalls!

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▶️ 3Speak


I really love the quality and the tonality of your voice. So manly, husky whatsoever haha. I remember listening to your performance last December while I'm washing dishes lol. It's the same good voice! Every songs that you have sang have a deep meaning for you, I love those realizations.

Have some !PIZZA (miss doing this random raindrop lol)


Hi Khai! thank you for appreciating my monotone voice hahaha, i feel so sad i wasn't able to join the event, I was so tired and fell asleep, I wanted to hear all of the entry.. i haven't heard yours.. Happy new year and I hope you have a good one this year! thanks for the PIZZA! have some !LUV


The video is playing while I'm reading. 😊 I think 2022 for me is more of happy times rather than otherwise. I met true friends online-that I thought it was impossible since we are all behind the damn screen.

I still feel empty from time to time, after all we are humans. I just hope that I find a romantic relationship this year hehe that's the fucking plan. 😂


They say we are what focused on and we will become what we say, what we do, collectively that's how manifestation is, and we act on it, then it will happen. ✨ and I really wish you fucking find and have what you've been searching for. 🤣


I am just gonna go with the flow. Plans and goals will definitely be here and there and will just be dealt accordingly similar to dealing people we will meet along the way. LOL

Hey, are u Mebu? Haha Sorry ndi kasi ako mashado na nakakatambay sa hiveph discord. Used to join Friday games as well but not recently kasi I spent holiday back home kaya na busy.

Anyway, Your mash up list of song is great so as your voice. Keep singing!



"If it's not broken, don't Fix it."
You seem you already got what you needed and happy with what is on your plate and pretty chill person, I hope you find more happiness in life and prosperity.

and yes po 😅 nakita ko nga yung gala nyo ni ate @cindee08 🤣



I hope you find more happiness in life and prosperity.

Thank you Mebu @sensiblecast and I wish you the same too!
