It can never be perfect


Everything fragments in the modern world. Gotta make sure we are staying afloat and so all art is punctuated by work and all work is punctuate by art. And if you have multiple passions, they’re all crammed into whatever slot they can fit in. And if you have any other issues, you crash often and need lots of time to recharge.

I’m a few days away from releasing another music video. It’s not going to be a directing masterpiece but I think it’s fun and better than the first one I made in every way.

I guess when I am done with that I’ve got to decide on some artwork for an “official release” of an EP. It’s not even close to being what I was imagining for a release, far sloppier and messy that I hoped for. But I held off releasing this for at least 7 years because I wanted it to be perfect. And the quality made a massive leap in 2019 when I finally learned how to record myself, even poorly.

Turns out I am happier with a poor recording from myself than a professional recording from a stranger or a semi-professional recording from a friend. Perhaps the best results would have been a collaboration where I knew what I was doing, and now I do. And I was waiting for a chance for that collaboration but one never came and so now these songs are asking to be set aside for new things to grow

And so I feel I owe them one last push, where they get the proper attention they deserve.

The drums are a mess and there is no bass, I wanted some other crazy instruments but there won’t be any of those.

I imagine it will be 7 songs although I will see if I can get together another 2-3 to make it a “full album” although I’m not all that concerned with what it is or isn’t, so long as it works.

I found that my joy as an artist is the process of learning and expanding what I can make. The “products” can just be documentations of that. I don’t need to create something that is catering to a particular market unless it’s exciting to do that, and maybe it will be one day, but not right now.

One thing I’m thinking about now is writing music for a video instead of making a video for my existing music.

Before that I want to make a video that ties in to Confessions of the Damaged, particularly a chapter where a boy is on the beach staring at the ocean. I never created any promotional material for these books because I knew I couldn’t half ass it and I wasn’t sure I should until I got further along in releasing them.

But I want to get some energy flowing before I finish the series with part 4 and 5.

I have other stories that are already half written and I’d like to give some attention to those once al the music is up.

I can’t wait to put a period on this chapter.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is impressive, I am excited with your new stuff.. keep doing the magic..


You can make a video for your existing music
You will just make sure the video is pertaining to the music
That makes sense


You’re doing a whole lot at a time
I wish you the very best!


That is a big move right there, i like tge point were you said it is better you do this yourself than sort of a collaboration with others ya! Thats cool cause at this point only you and just you have a clear picture of the message you intend to pass in your video, o i would say keep that up. I too like things to go my way rather than some self acclaimed proffessional coming to tell me how the works of my imagination ought to be .

Goodluck on your video production


I already tried collaborating. Sometimes it works but the logistics make it hard. For example, My favorite drummer to work with is a 5 hour plane ride away. The other option is hiring the best people I can think of but I don’t have money for that now.

It’s a lot simpler but you can see the first one here:


Yah i get it the expenses is much, its a good start tho, congrats step at a time
