hive open mic week 223-allah peduli-mike mohede(cover song)poppunk version by:samuelstifen


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Hello #openmic community friends, I'm @samuelstifen. Welcome back to all who have participated in this Open Mic Hive event. Hopefully our performance can provide warmth to everyone, including me. Today we have entered week 223 of Open Mic events.

hive open mic week 223 I brought a song dedicated to Master @Lecumberre, I hope the version I brought he can see and be enthusiastic in recovering from his illness. After I heard the news that you were sick, we definitely felt sad and worried about you, may God lift you your illness, and you can carry out your activities as usual.

and this week I brought a song entitled Allah Peduli (Allah Cares), a song made popular by the late Mike Mohede, one of the Indonesian singers who was extraordinary and had very good singing talent. But unfortunately God loves him more than Deluan. And Mike Mohede's passing is a The history of the singer who left the fragrance of Indonesia. He was born November 7 1983 and died July 31 2016.


and I performed this song in a poppunk version, because for me when singing spiritual songs you don't have to have one genre, the important thing is that we sing sincerely and feel comfortable where we use that genre.

This song gives a very strong meaning, inviting us to stay strong through our days and rely on God, if we are in a lot of trouble. And as believers, we believe that God cares about his children, maybe we as humans have feel such a big struggle, and in my opinion it is all a trial from God, so that we are strong and steadfast in facing it, and always rely on His power, and God gives us trials that are definitely not beyond our limits, and we believe that we can overcome them. .

and likewise to him @Lecumberre, I hope you can be strong and steadfast in facing this disease, continue to be enthusiastic in your life, believe in your heart and God, that God will always help you, and we are all here always praying for you there, and always praying for you and your speedy recovery. I hope this song is what I dedicate to you, you are used to seeing it and enjoying it, even though the original version is different, I sincerely sing for you @Lecumberre and hope you recover and carry out your activities as usual, we miss your work, God bless you.

and maybe that's all I can say regarding the theme and explanation of the song that I performed this week, and thank you to openmic and the team that organized this event. who have given a lot of their free time to this event. Hopefully this event will run smoothly and continue to be successful. Maybe that's all I can say, I say thank you.


Banyak perkara yang tak dapat kumengerti
Mengapakah harus terjadi di dalam kehidupan ini

Satu perkara yang kusimpan dalam hati
Tiada satupun yang terjadi tanpa Allah peduli, huu

Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yang kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah dibiarkannya
Kubergumul sendiri s'bab Allah mengerti

Satu perkara yang kusimpan dalam hati
Tiada satupun yang terjadi tanpa Allah peduli, huu

Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yang kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah dibiarkannya
Kubergumul sendiri s'bab Allah mengerti

Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yang kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah dibiarkannya
Kubergumul sendiri s'bab Allah mengerti
s'bab Allah mengerti


There are many things I can't understand
Why does it have to happen in this life?

One thing I keep in my heart
Nothing happens without God caring, huu

God understands
God cares
All the problems we face
He will never let it go
I struggle alone because God understands

One thing I keep in my heart
Nothing happens without God caring, huu

God understands
God cares
All the problems we face
He will never let it go
I struggle alone because God understands

God understands
God cares
All the problems we face
He will never let it go
I struggle alone because God understands
because God understands

▶️ 3Speak


This is powerful, my dear buddy, and it was a pleasure to listen to your entry.

Allah knows everything, and He will provide for us at His appointed time.
The song's words truly struck a chord with me.


Thank you very much for enjoying the song I brought, hopefully we can give big prayers for our brother


Your cover make me speechless
You rock it , I wouldn't have done this cover better , nice job boss


Thank you my brother, don't be insecure about your quality, you can be sure and believe that you can do it, okay?


Congrats brother. Good musical work. I celebrate your performance, your talent and versatility as a musician. Good vibes for you.


Thank you my brother, I also like your work, you are very amazing, you give a very full performance
