hive open mic week 250-malam biru-sandhy sandoro(cover)by samuelstifen
hello friends welcome back to the #openmic event and welcome and be on my blog @samuelstifen. our journey does not feel that this is very long and has been far in week 250. seeing the musicians who are very enthusiastic to work I really salute and that you are my role models for music you are very extraordinary friends hopefully we continue to channel positive things around us through our musical works.
and for the hive open mic event this week has entered week 250 with the theme "long night".
I really like the night especially with such a long night if I get it, I want to travel by motorbike and spend that time with that night. but unfortunately long nights are difficult for me, the night is always so fast and always meets the morning and a day does not feel imaginable. but if I get a long night I will travel by motorbike by walking on that long night and sitting on the beach spending time having fun alone.
week 250 I bring a song titled "malam biru" a work by sandhy sandoro.
Sandhy Sondoro (born December 12, 1973) is a singer, songwriter and guitarist from Indonesia who started his music career in Germany. Sandhy Sondoro was born into a family that loves music. In his house he always heard American Pop, Folk, Jazz and Blues music from his mother or father's guitar playing every day. and he started his music career as a street musician in the city of Berlin, busking on the Metro, and playing music from pub to pub. On the streets of Berlin he also began to be known and became acquainted with a number of musicians and producers.
After releasing an album titled Why don't We on April 25, 2008, his musical work finally received positive appreciation in Germany and other European countries. He deserves extraordinary things to become a famous singer because I salute him who started his career in a country where people who went through all things sad and happy and started a very long journey to become a famous musician.
This song tells about the longing of a lover for his partner who is not beside him, with his loneliness through a very long night for him and it is felt every day at night. and hopes that his partner is beside him to accompany him at night.
maybe this is all that can be conveyed in week 250. I also thank the team that organized this event, hopefully this event will continue to run very well and be successful. hopefully my appearance also provides an impressive meaning and can be enjoyed by friends. maybe that's all my appearance this week I say thank you.
Suatu malam yang biru tanpa dirimu
Berjuta juta Rindu ku padamu
Sendiri ku pun harus menikmati
Nyanyian sang rembulan
Engkau yang seharusnya disisiku
Engkau yang slalu ada dihayatku
Semoga kau mendengar lagu ini
Yang ku cipta untukmu
Oh kasihku
Ini ini laguku
Hanya untuk dirimu
Tanda cintaku
Padamu oh sayang
Engkau yang seharusnya disisiku
Engkau yang slalu ada dihayatku
Semoga kau mendengar lagu ini
Yang ku cipta untukmu
Oh kasihku
Ini ini laguku
Hanya untuk dirimu
Tanda cintaku
Padamu oh sayang
oh Kasihku..
Ini ini laguku
Hanya untuk dirimu
Tanda cintaku
Oh kasihku
Ini ini laguku
Hanya untuk dirimu
Tanda cintaku
Padamu oh,sayang
A blue night without youMillions of my longing for youAlone I have to enjoyThe song of the moon
You who should be by my sideYou who are always in my lifeHopefully you hear this songThat I created for you
Oh my loveThis is my songOnly for youA sign of my loveFor you oh darling
You who should be by my sideYou who are always in my lifeHopefully you hear this songThat I created for you
Oh my loveThis is my songOnly for youA sign of my loveFor you oh darling
oh my love..This is my songOnly for youA sign of my loveFor you
Oh my loveThis is my songOnly for youA sign of my loveFor you oh, darling
▶️ 3Speak
Hello man, nice to see you dong what you do best
I love the chords and the voice.
Bravo man
thankyou so much brother🙏🏻😇
This song has a nice melody and feeling. I really enjoyed your rendition from start to finish.
Great job! Keep it up.
Hello friend you have a wonderful cover any artist that play guitar am always fall in love with him because i love guitar nice presentation ♥️
thankyou so much brother😇🙏🏻
thankyou so much sister,thank for you enjoy 😇😇
Excellent, my dear friend, always demonstrating your talent...
God bless you, a big hug! ❤🙏
thankyou so much brother🙏😇
Wonderful rendition Sir love it.