hive open mic-week 165-ibu pertiwi(cover)samuel stifen

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hello everyone, I'm Samuel Stifen, I'm sure friends have also introduced me to this community.
It doesn't feel like this

event has entered its 165th week, it's been a long journey for me to join this community and take part in the event but I think it's very cool, because this community holds positive events every week, and so that our activities as humans don't get lazy hehe . so for the Hive Open Mic 165 event, the open mic raised the following theme: "In Love with Nature and Mother Earth." This theme was voted for by the open mic community recently. Featured Artist:
and for the theme "falling in love with nature and motherland". also very deep.
In this song, Mother Earth is referred to as Indonesia or our Motherland.
This song is meaningful about the beauty and natural wealth of Indonesia which is abundant, but is being hit by difficulties.
Even so, the Indonesian people will not let the Motherland continue to be in trouble and will continue to protect Mother Earth.
and so do friends as heirs of their own country must protect our homeland so that it is not hit by trouble and revive our mother earth

I will add the lyrics below here

lirik-ibu pertiwi
Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Mas intannya terkenang

Hutan gunung sawah lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa

Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Kami datang berbakti
Lihatlah putra-putrimu
Menggembirakan ibu

Ibu kami tetap cinta
Putramu yang setia
Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa

Kulihat ibu pertiwi
Sedang bersusah hati
Air matanya berlinang
Mas intannya terkenang

Hutan gunung sawah lautan
Simpanan kekayaan
Kini ibu sedang lara
Merintih dan berdoa

Menjaga harta pusaka
Untuk nusa dan bangsa

I see motherland
Being sad
Tears welled up in her eyes
Mas diamond remembered
Mountain forest ocean rice fields
Wealth savings
Now mother is sick
Moaning and praying
I see motherland
We come to worship
Look at your sons and daughters
Happy mother
Our mothers still love
Your faithful son
Guarding inheritance
For homeland and nation
I see motherland
Being sad
Tears welled up in her eyes
Mas diamond remembered
Mountain forest ocean rice fields
Wealth savings
Now mother is sick
Moaning and praying
Guarding inheritance
For homeland and nation

In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.

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