hive music festival week#93 R#3-hanya rindu-andmesh kamaleng(cover song)by:samuelstifen


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Hello #musiczone community friends. I'm @samuelstifen and today we enter week 93 of round 3 of this MusicZone event. This event went very well, and the musicians here were very productive and accomplished in showcasing their talents or developing their talents. Here. I am passionate about creating and never give up. I am grateful for the journey I have started and continue, making music an important part of my happiness and that of others. Hopefully my performance can provide beauty to the listeners.

hive music festival week 93 round 3 I performed a song entitled only longing, a song popularized by Andmesh Kamaleng, one of the Indonesian singers who is still young and very talented.

Jeandmesh Antonio Kamaleng, better known as Andmesh Kamaleng, born April 15 1997. He is an Indonesian singer. He was the champion of the second season of the Rising Star Indonesia singing talent search event which was broadcast on the RCTI television station in 2016-2017, with a final voting result of 80% in the Grand Final round on March 27 2017.


The genre of music he is interested in is jazz, pop, contemporary R&B, and he also masters several musical instruments, guitar and piano. And to this day he is still continuing his career, and I really like his songs, because his songs are very related to life. and deep stories.

and the song that I brought tells the story of a child's feelings of longing for his mother who has died. And this is one of the true stories from his life. Andmesh's mother has died. And maybe he created this song to convey his longing. And this song was released in 2019. and this song was very viral in the first year of release and until now. this song is played a lot here.

After I listened to this song for longer, I understood that the lyrics of this song are very deep, if we were in the situation of losing our mother it would definitely be difficult to accept her passing, but God loves her more. But if we all still had someone as a mother in our lives. The message I can convey is that we should never waste our time with them, as we should do, spend our time together when they are old, and always make them happy and laugh and always be by their side, maybe it's just that simple thing. what they want.

I hope this song can convey very deep feelings. And maybe that's all I can give to present this song and I hope the song I present can entertain my friends. That's all I can give regarding the meaning of the song in my presentation. And I apologize if there is anything wrong in my answer. I would also like to thank MusicZone and the team for participating in this event. Through this event, musicians can learn a lot about understanding music and also interact with other musicians. Hopefully this event will continue to run smoothly and be successful in the future. That's all I can give for this week, and I hope to give more for next week, thank you.


Saat ku sendiri kulihat photo dan video
Bersamamu yang tlah lama kusimpan
Hancur hati ini melihat semua gambar diri
Yang tak bisa ku ulang kembali

Kuingin saat ini engkau ada di disini
Tertawa bersamaku seperti dulu lagi
Walau hanya sebentar Tuhan tolong kabulkanlah
Bukannya diri ini tak terima kenyataan
Hati Ini hanya rindu

Segala cara telah kucoba
Agar aku bisa tanpa dirimu oh
Namun semua berbeda
Sulitku menghapus kenangan bersamamu

Kuingin saat ini engkau ada di disini
Tertawa bersamaku seperti dulu lagi
Walau hanya sebentar Tuhan tolong kabulkanlah
Bukannya diri ini tak terima kenyataan
Hati Ini hanya rindu oh
Hanya rindu

Kuingin saat ini engkau ada di disini
Tertawa bersamaku seperti dulu lagi
Walau hanya sebentar Tuhan tolong kabulkanlah
Bukannya diri ini tak terima kenyataan
Oh bukannya diri ini tak terima kenyataan
Hati Ini hanya rindu oh
Hati Ini hanya rindu hm
Kurindu senyummu Ibu


When I'm alone I look at photos and videos
With you that I have kept for a long time
It breaks my heart to see all the pictures of myself
Which I can't go back to

I wish you were here right now
Laugh with me like before
Even if it's just for a moment, God, please grant it
It's not that I don't accept reality
This heart just longs

I have tried everything
So that I can be without you oh
But all are different
It's hard for me to erase the memories with you

I wish you were here right now
Laugh with me like before
Even if it's just for a moment, God, please grant it
It's not that I don't accept reality
This heart just longs oh
Just miss it

I wish you were here right now
Laugh with me like before
Even if it's just for a moment, God, please grant it
It's not that I don't accept reality
Oh, it's not like I don't accept reality
This heart just longs oh
This heart just longs hm
I miss your smile Mom

▶️ 3Speak


Hello Sam
This is a beautiful piece from you to us
The chords are quite cool to the ears
Bravo man


Thank you Jesus, thank you for enjoying my performance, I also really enjoyed your jamming, you were amazing


Saludos hermano! Eso sí que se escucho muy hermoso! Sin duda alguna una dulce y relajante melodía.

Saludos y Bendiciones hermano.


Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!
