hive open mic week 228-jadilah legenda-superman is dead(cover guitar)by:samuelstifen

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Hello friends of the #openmic community, I'm @samuelstifen. Welcome back to all who have participated in this Open Mic Hive event. Hopefully our performance can provide warmth to everyone, including me. Today we have entered the week 228 of the Open Mic event.

So the theme of the week 228 is "song of freedom".

Cover by @avdesing

Freedom has a broad meaning and varies depending on the context. In general, freedom refers to a condition in which a person is free from certain constraints or restrictions, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Freedom can also be interpreted as the right to act, express opinions, and make choices without any external pressure that limits.

and freedom can also relate something to religion, social, and politics. because freedom has a very broad context.

and in week 228 I performed a song entitled jadilah legenda"be a legend" from the band superman is dead. one of the songs I like from my country. Superman Is Dead is a punk rock band from Bali, many of this band's songs are about social, political and love.


"Jadi Legenda"be a legend". by Sid is a song that inspires and encourages its listeners to become strong and unwavering individuals. Although this song does not explicitly discuss freedom, its message about becoming a legend in life and overcoming obstacles with courage and determination can be interpreted as the spirit of freedom to pursue dreams and reach full potential. This song also emphasizes self-empowerment and a strong fighting spirit.

and in essence freedom is our right to do what we like and without any coercion and express as we feel comfortable.

and maybe that's all I can say regarding the theme and explanation of the song that I sang this week, and thank you to Openmic and the organizing team of this event. who have spent a lot of their free time for this event. This week's event is extraordinary, that we can inspire our work with freedom in this theme. Hopefully this event runs smoothly and continues to be successful. Maybe that's all I can say, I say thank you.


Hembus angin yang terasa panas
Keringat menetes di dada
Tiada henti kau bekerja keras
Berjuang demi cinta

Untuk Indonesia, teruslah bertahan
Walau dihancurkan, disakiti
Kau tetap berdiri di sini
Untuk Indonesia, jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya

Lihat laut dan indahnya ombak
Gemulainya pohon kelapa
Para gadis yang mulai menari
Kibarkan merah putih

Untuk Indonesia, kita punya semua
Seribu budaya dan kekayaan alam
Yang takkan terkalahkan
Untuk Indonesia, jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya

Darah Indonesia, akulah halilintarmu
Darah Indonesia menggelegar 'tuk selamanya
Darah Indonesia, walau badai menghadang
Kau takkan pernah hilang
Walau badai menghadang

Lihat laut dan indahnya ombak
Gemulainya pohon kelapa
Para gadis yang mulai menari
Kibarkan merah putih

Untuk Indonesia, kita punya semua
Seribu budaya dan kekayaan alam
Yang takkan terkalahkan
Untuk Indonesia, jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya

Darah Indonesia, akulah halilintarmu
Darah Indonesia menggelegar 'tuk selamanya
Darah Indonesia, walau badai menghadang
Kau takkan pernah hilang
Walau badai menghadang


Hot wind blows
Sweat drips on chest
You work hard non-stop
Fight for love

For Indonesia, keep on surviving
Even though destroyed, hurt
You still stand here

For Indonesia, be a legend
We can and believe

See the sea and the beautiful waves
The graceful coconut trees
The girls who start dancing
Raise the red and white

For Indonesia, we have it all
A thousand cultures and natural riches
That will not be defeated

For Indonesia, be a legend
We can and believe

Indonesian blood, I am your lightning
Indonesian blood thunders forever

Indonesian blood, even though storms come
You will never disappear
Even though storms come

See the sea and the beautiful waves
The graceful coconut trees
The girls who start dancing
Raise the red and white

For Indonesia, we have it all
A thousand cultures and natural riches
That will not be defeated

For Indonesia, be a legend
We can and believe

Indonesian blood, I am your thunder
Indonesian blood thunders forever

Indonesian blood, even though a storm comes
You will never be lost
Even though a storm comes

▶️ 3Speak


I love the sound of the guitar, it made your playing very professional, you are doing a great job and i really appreciate your play. Kudos bro


Thank you, my friend, I think I have to learn a lot more, and I really appreciate your coming and enjoying this performance.


It's beautiful the way you play that guitar, you have mastery over it.


I'm so glad you decided to participate by making merit to this week's topic in the Hive Open Mic. Songs of freedom are always accompanied by some rebellion, and your rock sound comes on strong to kick off this edition. Thanks for doing a good job and staying active in our music community...


Your entry this week is simply spectacular. You have made a very good v
