Hey guys it’s Hive music festival week 126 round 3 yah weh by chinedu ndubueze
Hey guys its hive music festival week 126 round 3 my nmaes is saent101
and i will be doing a rendition cover of yah weh by chinedu ndubueze its a really wonderful and great song
i lived it the moment i heard it the organization and control of the song his choir and backyps did a great job
especially when it came to the modulation part it was crazy
the place burst my head and the song also pass a great message to us it takks about Gods intentions purpose and will upon our lives and how we shiuld recieve it with good grace and appreciation it also talks in how we should always be still and ready for when God calls our hearts should be prepared and ready for his call
tour intentions and will power and purpose for me
its what i recieve
mantkes of the father more power more love in our midst its what we recieve
so we stand in the gap we open our hearts to recieve what you have for us
so we stand in the gap we open iur hearts to recieve what you have for us
yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh
yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh
my heart is ipen yahweh my heart is ready tahweh my heart is open yahweh my heart is ready yahweh
yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh my heart is open yahweh my heart is ready yahweh my heart is open yahweh my heart is ready yahweh
mantles of the father more power more love i our midst is what we recieve so we stand i. the gap we open iur hearts to recieve what yiu have for us so we stand in the gap we open our hearts to recieve what tiu uave for us yahweh yahweh yahweh yahweh my heart is open yahweh my heart is reasy yahweh
▶️ 3Speak
This is a wonderful and great song indeed. Good song and you try on it. Next time put more effort and do it with passion. More grace
Nice entry boss,learn guitar na my guy.
I love this song. Keep it up man
Thanks man
Wonderful entry broski
Carry on
You sef no na big time boss
Ahhh nah ogah
My heart is opened and ready.
Only an open heart can receive.
Well done 👍
Thank u mah
You're welcome.
Your entry was really good. You did an amazing job.
You made magic
See as your guitar man dey serious. Amazing performance from you both. It seems like you modulate almost 2times? Omo weldon ooo that guitar guy sabi abeg
Thank u sir
Good presentation bro, l really enjoy this particular rendition.
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