RE: Playing with Piano Rolls?!?!?!


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lowest common denominator measures for quantitively measuring "ability"

One of the reasons we chose to homeschool x_x

we started to really highly emphasise things that didn't matter and ignore and lose things that really did matter

That's with everything though right? I mean at one stage if you looked at architecture you could probably take a reasonable guess which country it was, now good luck, everything is samey and excruciatingly, mind numbingly bland and pointlessly boring.

I know there's definitely conspiracy theories involved in that xD

who bother questioning... most don't...

Don't question, you might find out you were wrong, and the horrible feelings associated with being wrong (and also the responsibility to then do something about it which means you can't blame other people) are to be avoided at any and all cost XD

squeaky door avant-garde music

Dare I ask what this is?! O_O

Whenever you're talking about the insanely old instruments you have I always think they must be both amazing and terrifying to play XD I don't think I'd even want to touch an old instrument in case I broke it x_x


We did consider home-schooling when we moved back to Australia... the Dutch system was so good, but the Australian system seems to reward pay-to-play... but in the end, it just seemed too difficult. But our kids seem to do well at our public schools... for the moment!

Yes, exactly the same with architecture... Same, boring, bland.... and everything, like you said!

I'm not going to subject you to the horrors of contemporary classical music... its pretty gruesome.

My instruments, they are the tools of my trade... and so, most of the time I'm not really thinking about their age and all of that. But every now and then... I do think about it... and then it really strikes me how old they are, and how I'm just the latest in a long long line of custodians... and hopefully, I will pass it onwards to the next person in good shape!


It is simultaneously a very easy thing to do and a very hard thing to do.

Yay hope they keep doing well at their schools :D

I don't know why but when you imaginned the long line of custodians I'm now imagining previous players of any of your instruments channelling through it and bickering about how they think you should be doing things while you're practising or performing XD


LOL, I'm sure that the violin also has many ideas that it is keeping tactfully to itself!
