RE: Cinetv Contest: Unpacking The Music And Drama In "Castaway Diva"
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A musical movie and the first movie that pops into my head is high school musical. Am not gonna lie, I watched it like 20 to 15 years ago and get still I love most of the songs in there. There’s this thing that Musical movies will do ehhh and you’ll find it hard to forget them.
This one you’re talking of nu I know I can’t watch. Why? I’ve quickly shifted my attention away from series and I only watch single movies now cause they don’t demand a lot of my time.
I’ll liken this series to boys over flowers even though no one was a dying star in it lol.
Haha I watched high school musical too, loved all the songs in it.
No lie, it sure demands a lot of time and it's why I see full movies sometimes instead.
They are very different series though, all these boys over flowers people 😂
😂😂😂😂ahaa. I do enjoy series but I really have to be hooked to it to finish it. I can’t count the number of series I’ve started and stopped in between.
What has boys over flowers people done to you?
Lol I can't relate, I tend to finish any I start. It's why I don't see series that all it's episodes are not out yet.
What have they not done? They can't seem to get over boys over flower 😂