Future Judah


Track número trecé of the latest album/mixtapes, Shades...

(i'm making a quarter-assed attempt at slowly learning Spanish, figuring it may come in handy if ever decide to travel down south of the US border... hence the numbers. ha.)

this one started back in October 2020, and has been cool to look back on how drastically the mix quality improved since earlier versions. i suppose that's one great thing about art - being able to step back and observe the actual, tangible returns on your investment of time & energy.

still at it, tweaking away a bunch of other stuff started the year of the plandemic and prior... and equally as stoked on how hard they're hitting now in comparison to then. but in the meantime, here's another quickie from my latest official project for your listening pleasure.

enjoy... 🍻

and for those on Spotify who may wanna listen to the whole album there instead of Soundcloud... https://open.spotify.com/album/6ssYVAZ96bDPTaohhU5mIf?si=FHMiCM78TGK-L
