Lesson learned




Deep in the forest, the animals had a peculiar pastime: dancing and performing funny choreographies to the rhythm of the music.

Incredible as it may seem, they did. One afternoon, they gathered in a clearing to engage in their favourite activity. Squirrels, monkeys and even elephants joined in the fun dances.

The Lion King, headmaster of the animal school, was passing by and stopped to enjoy the show. But when he turned his attention to the lyrics of the song playing, his countenance darkened:

It was discriminatory towards beauty and certain types of animals.

With a thunderous roar, the Lion King silenced the music and ordered all the animals to sit down. Frightened, they obeyed without understanding the situation.

-People of the forest, we who presume to be better than many humans, do you think it is right to discriminate against someone because of their appearance? Have you forgotten that true beauty lies within? -he questioned firmly.

A murmur of regret rippled through the auditorium. The Lion King raised his voice again:

-We teachers don't just teach mathematics or science, we also build character so that we are better beings, inside and out. Let us remember to value the beauty of the soul above superficial appearances.

The lesson was engraved in the hearts of the animals, who understood the importance of not judging by appearances and accepting everyone equally.
