Three Funeral Songs


It's always a weird conversation when you start talking about funeral songs. But it comes up, now and then. Is it maudlin? Does it even matter, since you won't be there? Or is this just an excuse to share a love of music? Or all of the above?


I'm gutted my Dad won't be around at his own funeral to play songs. He's always been such a big music lover. I don't think he could decide on one song. It's like the kids at school demanding us tell us what our fave song in the whole world might be.

On Saturday night, my bestie was over, so the three of us sat down to play Youtube music for a few hours - always a fun night. One takes turns in playing tracks. Poor Jamie had to cope with mine and Tam's '80's singalong to songs he didn't grow up with, and we had to put up with some songs of his that I rolled my eyes at, but all in all, it was fun.

Let's choose three of those on the loose theme of 'funeral songs' for #threetunetuesday for @ablaze. We were thinking in a blackly humourous kinda way - you know, when they roll the coffin into the flames or throw the last sod of soil onto your coffin. We can all joke about death, right? Because that's how we cope.

The Who Reign on Me

This one's for Jamie. He absolutely loves the Who, and Quadrophenia was one of his most influential movies growing up. He lived in Brighton for over ten years, where it was filmed, so it has special significance for him. He loves this song and it always makes him emotional - maybe a bit of nostalgia. I can imagine it playing very loud.

Tim Buckley Wayfaring Stranger

This one was the besties. I told her there's no way we are playing the 13 minute live version.

To be honest, I prefer the Johnny Cash version. I know this kinda tips me into four songs - oops.

I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through this world below
There is no sickness, no toil, no danger
In that bright land to which I go
I'm going there to see my father
And all my loved ones who've gone on
I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home
I know dark clouds will gather 'round me
I know my way is hard and steep
But beauteous fields arise before me
Where God's redeemed, their vigils keep
I'm going there to see my mother
She said she'd meet me when I come
So I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home
I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home

Talking Heads This Must Be the Place

This is mine. I have no idea why I chose this one, and to be honest, I'd probably choose a different song tomorrow. I love the quirky whimsy of it. It's always been on my top songs list. And Byrne's resonant voice here just does it for me. 'Stop Making Sense' is one of my favourite albums from the past.

And if we're getting metaphorical about death and lyrics, 'home, is where I want to be', is good enough for me.

What would you have as your funeral song?

With Love,


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Don't do funeral songs: do a playlist to celebrate a life well lived. We had a wake for The Husband and we built a playlist of songs and artists he told us all he loved. And to which we danced over the 20-odd years we were together. It was hard, and if you can tell people now, do it. It helps the people left behind. I know.

And yes, we do joke about death - The Husband and I did. It's how we get through. Because we must.


Oh yes for sure. Definitely celebration songs - after the dramatic song to lead coffin in and out though, haha!

Im struggling to joke as Dad gets closer. Feels rather tender. But he did joke i better put stickers on his things with my name on it 😂


Keith Moon. Caught a cool documentary of him recently about how he died and how they had him on anti anxiety and psychiatric meds ever since he was a young child cuz he was "different."

Come to find out he wasn't crazy at all, just a genius.


I honestly consider it is quite important to think about funerals and stuff after dead. Although I am only 25 and I did not make a will or something yet, my sister already knows exactly what has to happen (except the music but I trust her on that)


I guess meditation on death helps us cope with it better too.


Oh I am honestly not scared to die, but as I travel a lot I think it is important to have a good insurance that ships my dead body back home and enough funds to cover the funeral and all that kinda things. If I'm dead I am dead but it isn't that nice to leave the family behind with more worries than necessary.


Hey there River, greetings from a fellow south swell surfer.

A funeral song of most value for me would be the Sanskrit mantra

Govindam adi purisham tam aham bhajami.


I liked the Johnny Cash version, it has a unique touch of elegance, the voice is thick and makes you want to listen to it. Nice, listening to this kind of music has a great touch.


Tim Buckley and Wayfaring Stranger is new to me and what a song. Johnny Cash really does make it his own though, doesn't he.

It's always a weird conversation when you start talking about funeral songs.

It is! But I've had the conversation a few times on different occasions. You definitely don't want to go out to shitty or cheesy songs, so better let it be known the ones you think would be fitting. A few I like for myself...


Omg I love that waterbpys song. We have that album on vinyl. It'll be on my funeral playlist for sure.

That Clancy song sounds very much like an Irish funeral song to me! You guys are good at those heartfelt ones ❤️❤️
