A Little Bit of Aussie Punk History


Don't you just love a music rabbit hole? Last night I listened to a song on Spotify that my son had mixed, friends of his in Melbourne. Anyway it's quite a decent song and if you give it a play it might give them a buzz.

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/6v8ewUEjiN2nBveXvUGEJq?utm_source=generator)

It's a little remincent of Radio Birdman, an iconic Aussie punk band that was formed in 1974.

That led me to thinking of equally Melbourne punk garage bands around that era. In Geelong, just down the road, it was a band called Bored! that we used to love and see all the time at our local. Most of the band members have left the life stage now, but are remembered very fondly. It's hard to pick a song, so I've gone for one of the album I had, 'Junk', and the song is Degenerate Boy, which was by Australian band 'X', equally famous. It's raw and bloody terrible and bloody punk. So I had to go to the original one to share really - the quality's a bit better and it gives you a bit of a sense of the Aussie punk scene at that time. Phew. got there in the end!

“I ain't got no money, I ain't got a cent, last week's dole cheque, it's already spent”

Quite a few people have covered this song as it's just a classic - a rumbling, mumbling, punky song - very anti polite society, and set the tone for much, much, much later Aussie irreverant noise songs like 'Smoko' which was released in the last few years - listen to it here if you want to go down an Aussie punk garage rabbit hole like I did last night. I know this officially pushes me over the three tunes but hey, aint that punk as well? Oh and try this one - a live version of Cosmic Psycho's "Nice Day to Go the Pub" at a pub. if you want to totally feel like, well, you're in an Aussie pub.

The song of theirs I was thinking of was a song called Human Being but I couldn't find it anywhere. I messaged an old mate of mine who's still listening to punk on vinyl, and he told me to visit this song, the original of 'Human Being'. I had no idea and had never heard of this band but that riff is just awesome. Bored!'s version was almost identical.

There's also a live version of it that I'll add here because you just have to see their 70's Melbourne hair do's. The version isn't quite as good but I loved seeing what they looked like. What a time that must have been. There's a lot of music that has come out of Melbourne that drew on this kinda of thing - their roots, I guess.

If you've got this far, well done. I'm sure a lot of you saw the words 'Aussie Punk' and kept on scrolling. I won't hold it against you. But if you are into punk, there's a hella of a lot of awesome Aussie punk bands you'll love - this is just a wee bit of history for ya.

With Love,


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All great songs! I'm not familiar with any of the bands, but enjoyed listening. That first song is a great cover of TV Eye—I love the energy! I'll have to look up more of these guys.


I'm glad you enjoyed it - if you like that kind of thing I'm sure you'd enjoy the rest of them! Thanks for stopping by and listening!
