Strange music for Three Tune Tuesday 🤪🤪🤪
Let me educate you about this date: August, 24. I wanted to make this blog 2 weeks ago, but due to my usual habit, I slow down, so I'm letting this out today :) Are you in the know of this Day? Since 1997, it became celebrated as the Strange Music Day. The idea was proposed by New York musician Patrick Grant (note, originally it was just an original way to promote his new album “Fields Amaze”. Grant was mixing different genres in music, due to that he could not find a label willing to release his album, so Grant released it on his own label, which he named precisely as 'Strange Music'). However, the idea and its relevance touched the public, after Millennium the popularity of Strange Music Day grew a lot, Grant noticed the Day was already celebrated in Europe, and added to the name the “International” part.
Я хотел написать этот пост 2 недели назад, но по моей обычной привычке торможу, поэтому публикую его только сегодня :) Итак... знаете ли вы про 24 августа? С 1997 года этот день стал Праздником Странной Музыки. Идею предложил музыкант из Нью-Йорка Патрик Грант (изначально это был такой оригинальный способ продвижения его альбома «Fields Amaze». Грант смешивал в своей музыке разные жанры, из-за чего никто не соглашался выпустить его альбом, Гранту пришлось и лейбл создать тоже, а назвал он его - сюрприз! - «Странная музыка»). Но идея пошла в массы, популярность Дня росла, и когда Грант заметил что День уже празднуют в Европе, он переименовал его в «Международный».

The idea behind the Day is to encourage people to learn to hear new sounds, create their own music, as well as listen to less conventional music that has not yet been appreciated enough, and expand their cultural horizons. In music, everyone tries to please - and in fact, this is the last thing to do, in art it is harmful to repeat other people's successful recipes (a copy is always worse than the original ... "already was in the Simpsons" causes a lack of interest). You have to be yourself, show your individuality, your own new style/sound, be different from everyone else.
Стоящая за Днем идея - побудить людей учиться слышать новые звуки, создавать музыку самим, а также слушать менее обычную музыку, которую ещё недостаточно оценили, и расширять свой культурный кругозор. В музыке, все пытаются понравиться - а ведь на самом деле, это последнее, что стоит делать, в искусстве вредно повторять чужие успешные рецепты (копия всегда хуже оригинала... "уже было в Симпсонах" вызывает отсутствие интереса). Надо быть собой, показывать индивидуальность, собственный новый стиль/саунд, быть не таким как все.
As proven by the British scientists, music affects greatly our mind and body; it is believed that if you expand your musical spectrum, then you change your outlook on various aspects of life. And thus, International Weird Music Day is also a day of expanding boundaries and openness to everything new and unusual. The best way to celebrate this day is to listen and play some weird music. I took one of my khomus (also named as 'Jewish harp') off the shelf and did a meditative 6-minute musical improvisation. As a matter of fact, I do this periodically and without any Weird Music Day, when the corresponding impulse from space catches up with me.
Исследования британских ученых доказали: музыка воздействует на ум и тело; считается, что если вы расширяете свой музыкальный спектр, то меняется и взгляд на различные аспекты жизни. Таким образом, День Странной Музыки - еще и день расширения границ и открытости ко всему новому, необычному. Лучший способ отпраздновать его - слушать или исполнить какую-нибудь странную музыку. Я достал с полки один из своих хомусов (ака «еврейскую арфу») и устроил медитативную 6-минутную музыкальную импровизацию. Собственно говоря, я это делаю и без всякого Дня, когда меня догоняет импульс из космоса.
One of two khomuses I have in my collection, in luxurious hand-made carved walnut case. (And no, I still don't record videos and can't present you me playing music...)
Один из двух хомусов моей коллекции - в роскошном самодельном футляре орехового дерева. (Нет, видео я не записываю и не покажу, как я на нем играю).
The most difficult part for me is choosing 3 certain names from a huge matching list. Whom should I introduce you today? Whenever I face this choice problem, it makes me procrastinate and delay the result for many days. So, today's artists: Leonid Fedorov, Sergei Kuryokhin, UUTAi.
Самое сложное для меня всегда - кого же выбрать, с кем познакомить? Проблема выбора как правило заставляет меня прокрастинировать, и результат откладывается на неопределенно много дней.
Леонид Фёдоров - Бен Ладен
Leonid Fedorov is a famous Russian rock-musician, leader of 'Auktyon' band. Since late 90s, he has been more developing his own solo career, but his old band has not disappeared either. Within his solo career, he "allows himself" much more avant-garde music. There is a solid back catalog of interesting avantgarde and experimental records, a sufficient part of the songs came as accompaniment /interpretation /soundtrack/ synthesis of absurdist Oberiut Russian poetry of the beginning of the century.
This certain track from 2005 is called 'Bin Laden' (of course you know said person -- and yeah, this already have been in 'The Simpsons' ;). The song mixes several unusual ingredients: violin concerto, Georgian choir, London, some obscene vocabulary ... there came out a stunning dramatic energetic poetic cocktail. I wonder how it will taste to you?
Леонид Фёдоров - известный российский музыкант, лидер группы «Аукцыон». Начиная с конца 90-х он больше развивает собственную карьеру (но и его старая группа тоже не исчезла), и в рамках сольного творчества карьеры он "позволяет себе" гораздо более авангардную музыку. У него солидное количество интересных пластинок, большая часть песен являются аккомпаниментом/интерпретацией/звуковой дорожкой/синтезом абсурдистской обериутской русской поэзии начала века. Этот весьма интересный трек 2005 года называется 'Бен Ладен', вы конечно знаете что это за персонаж (тоже уже было в Симпсонах, ага). В песне смешено несколько необычных ингредиентов - скрипичный концерт, грузинский хор, лондон. обсценная лексика... вышел потрясающий драматический энергетический поэтический коктейль. Интересно, каким он покажется вам на вкус?
пысы. Кстати, сам альбом «Таял» откуда взята данная песня, был назван лучшей русской пластинкой 2005 года (по версии журнала «Афиша»).
Sergei Kuryokhin - Tibetan tango
This musical piece is familiar to the general Russian public, as it was released in the classic rock album 'Radio Afrika' by Aquarium back in 1983 ... but I'm not sure about foreign music fans. Russian avantgarde composer and pianist Sergei Kuryokhin (he tragically died in 1995) is considered to be one of the most interesting figures at the Russian underground scene in the 1980s; he participated in a huge number of interesting projects and left a comet-like trail.
They called him a bully genius. He was a virtuoso performer, conductor, arranger, actor, journalist, bibliophile, party-goer, showman, ideologist, politician... tried to create his own universe out of chaos. The figure is more abrupt than Bowie. No, I cant say his music to be very accessible, but if you are sick of dumb pop melodies and rock cliches, and wanna have a sip of something different, to re-load your musical perception receptors, this one is for you. (and, well, this track is among the most accessible and appealing ones, hehe).
Данный музыкальный кусочек знаком широкой русской публике, будучи изданным на классическом рок-альбоме 1983 года 'Radio Afrika' группы Аквариум... но я не уверен насчет зарубежных музыкальных фэнов. Композитор и пианист Сергей Курёхин (он трагически умер в 1995 году) считается одним из интереснейших фигур российской андеграундной сцены 1980-х, он участвовал в огромном количестве интересных проектов и оставил после себя след как от кометы. Его называли гением-хулиганом. Он был виртуозом-исполнителем, дирижером, аранжировщиком, актером, журналистом, библиофилом, тусовщиком, шоуменом, идеологом, политиком... пытался создать из хаоса собственную вселенную. Фигура покруче покруче Боуи.
A nice bio was written by Alexander Kushnir: «Sergey Kuryokhin. Crazy mechanics of Russian rock». A while ago I was lucky to get this rare book at a second hand market, for rather silly money. As far as I know, there exist no English translation, sadly enough.
Прекрасную биографию написал журналист Александр Кушнир: «Сергей Курехин. Безумная механика русского рока». В свое время мне посчастливилось купить ее в секондхенде за вменяемые деньги, каких-то 800 рублей, я был счастлив как слон. Английского перевода, насколько мне известно, не существует, а единственный русский тираж (2013 года) давно распродан.
And a few funny pics for your pleasure, as a bonus (#img #src).
When I was preparing this blog, I came across an interesting modern version of this great art piece - made by violinist Alexei Aigui and comrades. The grandaddy in the video, saxophone man - is the avant-garde musician Sergey Letov, who contributed to many of Kuryokhin's recordings and was one of his favorite session musicians. Music continues to live!
В процессе писания поста я встретил современную версию, сделанную скрипачом Ал.Айги сотоварищи. Дед с саксофоном - это авангардный джазмен Сергей Летов, бывший у Курехина одним из любимых сессионных музыкантов и непременным участником проекта Поп-механика. Музыка продолжает жить!
The 3rd tune is a bit of ethno music from Tuwa (region located around Altai mountains in Siberia, Russia). And here's an example of what kind of music you can squeeze out of a khomus music instrument... of course, if you have certain skills :) This is a well-known performer of Tuwan throat singing and khomus playing - Olga Podluzhnaya (Ulutai).
Olena UUTAi - Khomus improvisation
I have been obsessed with Tuwa throat singing for more than two decades, and although this particular artist is not my favorite one (among more fave names are Altai-Kai, Vladimir Oidupaa, Chirgilchin) - but the skill of performance speaks for itself, this is the real top of the tops. Do appreciate how masterfully she extracts various sounds from the khomus and her throat, how she imitates the voices of birds and animals from the native Siberian taiga ... that is why I included to my selection her name.
Я уже больше 2 десятков лет люблю тувинское горловое пение, и хотя именно этот артист не является моим любимым (среди моих более любимых имен - Altai-Kai, Vladimir Oidupaa) - но мастерство исполнения говорит само за себя, это топ из топов. Оцените, как виртуозно она извлекает различные звуки из варгана и своего горла, как имитирует голоса птиц и животных из сибирской тайги ... именно поэтому из всех моих любимых артистов в мою селекцию я выбрал именно её.
I hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 119
A fantastic varied selection that expanded my music taste buds open further than they have been in a long time. They are all so catchy and different.
The first two I could listen to quite a bit and I guess the 3rd was very different but like you said, hugely impressive the skill and sounds to produce. As always, I need to listen a few more times to take them in. Hard to believe the 2nd one was from the 80s already.
I can imagine that, as there are not one, not two, but three separate and pretty huge music universes here. Not necessarily it is exactly what you peculiarly may search for, but it is a quality stuff, and, well, if you are sick of old names (one cannot listen to all the same on repeat forever, right?..) here we are.
Leonid Fedorov is one of the 'whales', the musical ground I stand myself on (along with Tom Waits and Radiohead). Nothing but !LUV 😎
PPS. I celebrated in 2023 the 40 anniversary for the 'Radio Afrika', it is an outstanding LP, not the last line in my personal top-100.
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top-10 artists? 10 is too much limit to fit for me ;)
Radiohead, Tom Waits, Auktion (and Leonid Fedorov), the Doors, Jethro Tull, Leonard Cohen, Led Zeppelin, Arkadiy Severnii (a Russian underground singer from 70-es, the scale of the greatest american blueseman lets put it like that), Muslimgauze ...
Cool. I should check a few of these out. :)
Some of them definitely will find their may to my future #ttt issues, with or without !PIZZA 💪💪💪
Would be cool to see which songs you would choose. When you like a whole album, it is hard to narrow down sometimes.
...did any matches happen with these short-list?..
I haven't really kept a top 10 for a long time, but I think The Doors could be there for sure.
yeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh 💪💪💪
Very nice selection. I have given a few of them a listen on YouTube.
This go well with or without !BEER
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The tunes are very good to listen to. Especially such musical tunes are quite melodious.
Mille Grazie! There were more melodious and pop-catchy tunes in the other #ttt posts, let me assure you 😋😁😁 and lets share a Hive !PIZZA 🙏
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The songs are actually amazing. I think I love the idea behind this so that people can listen to new sounds and not that they will not be used to one kind of sound all the time
It will help to welcome new sounda
Sometimes we love something not because it is better, but because it is different to that good that we used to enjoy on everyday basis, maybe this too. But !PIZZA is what we love always, no matter what, right?
Не видела современную версию, от Ал. Айги... Она совсем другая - и, как будто, о другом!
Я тоже не видел. Но был бы не прочь посетить мероприятие живьем. Все успешно проходит мимо меня. Концерты Гитаркина/Messerchups в небольших питерских клубах в 2010-2020-е я тоже успешно не заметил, как сейчас выясняется =)
Yay! 🤗
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Grazie for such compliments, its touching my soul, Melinda 😘 Well, I try to do my best, all the passion and years of being a music fan, hehe. Have this delicacy Hive !PIZZA back 👍
Nice selections of the music my friend. Even though it is quite different from what I usually listening to, the music in the 80 sometimes hit differently that the one now. !LOLZ
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Every judge knows bananas splits.
Credit: reddit
@qwerrie, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ekavieka
It is not in my everyday playlist too. But still among my fave parts of this gigantic music
pie!PIZZAI do agree music had it way of changing and expanding our knowledge which is beautiful. The power of music is unexplainable and I am glad I got to know about the International strange music day which I think as a very nice backup story to it.
It is nice appreciating others who haven't gotten to the limelight.
It was my pleasure to educate you about that. Sometimes we all find ourselves in a not such a fine situation when music is our only friend...
Yes, we all do. Thank you.
These were pretty awesome selections and songs. After your first couple of songs I was thinking that I'd need to share with you some Inuit throat singing when, lo, you did it yourself! Awesome.
Inuit throat singing - would be really nice to get acquaintance, to have your selection of some best tracks. But you cant share then in #ttt, within your conception of sharing pre-1924 recordings, right?..
Very good compilation of songs, I think it's great because I didn't know any of the songs or artists and they are great!
Well, I can provide you with new names (great names!) and titles on a daily basis and never ran out of stuff. But lets share some Hive !BEER =)
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Strange music indeed, but each works in its own way and the second one especially I liked.
Grazie Mille for visit, and for choosing your favourite. We need smth strange and not so usual in our menu, from time to time, right? its like spices :D