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Ice Heart
It's an end of an era. Nancy Pelosi is stepping down ... well being shoved down as speaker of the house. She was the first female speaker and so you would think that, I, as an unrepentant feminist, would feel a lost; or more positively want to celebrate her career.
Absolutely a system does better with a diverse group of voices contributing to its law-making and resource distributing. However I've seen those voices come in all timbers and SAY the right things, but enact laws that maintain an elitist status quo, and in actuality maintain, nay exacerbate, systemic inequality and violence, war; capture the left leaning vote and divide humanity into a never-ending culture war; demonizing and dehumanizing disagreement and rational, well-meaning conversation.
Playing up gender and skin color become the proverbial Trojan Horse for the most insidious corruption.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good paper shredding as much as the next, gal. But if after all those years in Congress that was the pinnacle of your acheivement, your citizens are at battle with each other, and many about to lose a middling healthcare; that after having the House, the Senate, and the Presidemcy, you were unable to improve healthcare access despite promises of doing so ... to me you are a fraud, worse than a fraud. A heartless profiteer of a corrupt, captured system. I don't care what you say or what in-group you claim membership in.
Beauty, Beauty, Beauty
Beauty, Beauty, Beauty
I’ll apply this oil with ease
Upon my icy décolletage
Leaving not a balm, not a drop
To soothe your aching feet
Work, Work, Work
Sear under a blaring sun
Toil from daybreak
Until your untimely death
Until you come undone
Beneath a silvered umbrella
I remain a chilled argent
I’ll not unearth my humanity
It lies sealed in the permafrost
Of what would have been my heart
Please, Please, Please
Show me not your weathered hands
But I’ll take what they’ve created
You see, my not-so-comely friend
Wealth is beauty; wealth is power
Vanity is me
What happens when you start to reveal the systemic corruption.
They really do need to be halted.
Ever the problem solver ... I am at this point
It is time to abolish political parties and enact direct democracy and unassailable Bills/Charters of human rights. Law making should be something average citizens take a turn at akin to jury duty. We work towards consensus and not unbalanced, platforms and vested interests.
Been spending a lot of time ice skating and heard this beautiful remake of If I Can Dream ... let it work some sympathetic magic
Of course we need the Elvis version ...
Words and Images are my own. Beauty Beauty Beauty is published in Strays. Strays and the Wisp are available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.
I wish Nancy Pelosi best of luck for her future life and future jobs if she wishes to do or continue her journey in any other field. The flowers are beautiful and looks fresh. Nice poem by the way.
I wish a clear vision for the masses of what she did with her time in office; so the next bought and captured politician does not have the ability to do the same.Thank you.
Great peom and your flowers photography is awesome.
Thank you:)
Thank you
I appreciate what Nancy Pelosi has done in the area of advancing equality throughout her career. In all honesty, however, I believe that she should have passed the baton a decade ago, at least. There comes a point when even a breath of fresh air becomes stagnate.
Her advancing of equality amounts to icing on a turd if you ask me.
Sorry my coffee has not kicked in yet ... nor my magnanimous nature. She's the worse.
Nancy Pelosi has had an amazing career to look back on, but, someone needs to take her hall pass away.
At the danger of sounding flippant to you ... whom I love ... yes NP has had an amazing career ... as a war-monger and thief ... with very good press.
I am so over this system and those that profiteer and prop it up. She is definitely one of the worse.
But you are one of the best:)
She is, but there was a time she wasn't. I was one of those sceaming against her.
I dont think you sound flippant at all. Rather very strong in your beliefs. I am proud to know you, and love you. ❤️
I think that is the main problem ... the system corrupts goodwill. But she was one of the worse.
Good riddance, Nancy!
I had to scroll down for the comment I wanted, Paul. And it's yours:) LOL
There is a lot of innocent blood on that woman's hands and she made a lucrative career of it.