I Love The Way You Lie

Everyday challenges and difficulties weigh me down and it will become so hard as though I'm going to give up as young woman. The pressure from guys whom I've also met in different places including my office are too much and also adding to my worries because since after I caught my ex boyfriend cheating on me the third time, I decided to stay single for a while till I see a man who is serious and dedicated.


Honestly it's not easy to know the true intentions of a human. You may love someone will all your heart while their own heart is completely on someone else. The one thing that God has put in place is that we cannot read other people's heart.

As a beautiful young woman, I get attention from guys on a daily basis. Even if I decide to buy a drink on the store next to my home, I'll still be hearing guys making funny sounds and some hissing just to get my attention. Sometimes a gentleman will offer to pay for my drink. Over the years, I've learnt to be social and free with people and I made friends with people of integrity both men and women alike.

source: pexels

I always try to humble myself before everyone because I know from the lessons I learnt from my dad that nothing lasts forever, even beauty I know will fade away one day.
I also try to impact this knowledge on my fellow women and friends alike because I know that if I don't socialize with people and treat them in the right way possible and encourage them in their time of weakness, it will lead to me losing a lot of beautiful opportunities in life because I know that without socializing with people you won't be able to meet the right person in the right place at the right time.

I don't really know why the man I love chose to keep flirting around with other woman but after his last misbehavior my mom had told me I shouldn't bother much because he's not for me.
I even noticed it before we started dating, though then I was not so sure. I usually see him with two other women in different time intervals, one is fair and the other brown skinned and he always describes them as his cousins.

Source: pexels

I didn't trouble him much with that because he appears to be very social with everyone else and a man with no worries. Later when I said yes to his proposal and we started dating, I noticed the kind of time and attention he gives to each of his cousin sisters whenever they visit is more than every other guy I know. It was still one of his so called cousin I caught in bed with. He later tried to apologize but the betrayal was too much for me to handle, as it is not wise to start from the beginning of a relationship or the starting point of anything even a business to lie to someone. It really hurt me deep down my soul because sincerely I thought he was different.

Trust can only be built with honesty. If one starts from the beginning of a relationship to lie to you, how can you trust them when you later start uncovering the truth. That was the actual reason why I left him, I've already forgiven him but since it will be difficult to build that trust again, I had to move on with my life and I think he understood too.

source: pexels

If I am to pass a message to men and women who wants to enter into a relationship.
If you start with lies, a time will come when you can't find more lies to cover up no matter how good you are in lying. It is only a matter of time before the truth surface, it might even happen at the time when everything is now good and enjoyable and it will ruin everyones happiness.

Song lyrics

It's just natural but the truth remains unchanged no matter what and heaven and earth will bear you witness. To bud a lasting trust with anyone in this world, you need truth because it never changes and what is solid enough can serve as a foundation to carry a structure. I hope we will be encouraged and never five up when people we treat well with love repays us with bad things and also always learn to forgive those who really hurt you bad.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post.


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"Trust can only be built with honesty"

So true. We have this saying in my language (Dutch): trust comes by foot and leaves by horse.

When we lose trust in something or someone, it is mighty difficult to get it back. In some cases, we may not even want to get it back. I believe, that when relationships get disrupted by blunt lies, from the beginning, or even before a relationship starts, it is time to cut it, regardless. How difficult this may seem and feel, no point in trying to progress. Orrrr, one can live with the situation and the associated consequences, which not many can do, to be honest. Better to take the hit of a deep feeling of unhappiness, perhaps even pain, to come out more positive then before, than to progress with something that hurts every single day.


Just like your said, he is certainly not for you. There are so many good men out there, I pray you find one someday. Here is my little advice for you: Do all that you can not to be pressured. Take it gradually and allow yourself enjoy whatever live got to offer...
