Three Tune Tuesday - Week 165: "The Venezuelan Cuatro & The Cuban Tres" ...para variar!

Yeah, this is going to be a rather short post. Since for this Week 165 of Three Tune Tuesday, for a change, I bring you something quite different and with a lot of flavor that invite to dance and that usually I haven't shared with you before. Something that perhaps may not sound much familiar to you and also may seem somewhat unknown to most of you.

And precisely because these tunes will not sound very familiar and somewhat unknown to you, that's why I will make this post rather short without babbling much more. To just invite you to find out by yourselves a little more about the versatility of these folkloric and humble musical instruments of our towns and the fascinating, cheerful and colorful music they are capable of creating so that everyone and especially you can now enjoy it. I hope you like these vernacular swings!

First, with tunes fluttering around the Venezuelan Cuatro. Alternating a couple of the videos and melodies of an academic and concert nature between another couple of a more popular and vernacular nature. And at the end, so that you don't refuse to dance or move your feet, will close this post with a trio of stupendous musical performances by Cuban Tres masters.

So, let's see if you can really differentiate and identify those academic and concert tunes from those more popular, autochthonous and vernacular that always invite you to dance, party and celebrate. Yeah, I'll wait for you in the comments section!

«The Venezuelan Cuatro»

Have you already managed to differentiate and identify which of these tunes performed with these humble, autochthonous and vernacular musical instruments are of a concert nature from those that are more than anything for dancing, partying and celebrating? ¿Nope? Not yet? Ok, then let me share also a bonus track to give you more clues.

«Bonus Track»

Until the next week folks!

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Cranky Gandalf



There is little that more soothes my savage breast than a skillfully played guitar.

