Hive music festival week 127 round 1 /// Cover of Victory by @picazzy005
Hello everyone welcome to a wonderful week of Hive music festival week 127 round 1 am @picazzy005 and I will be singing the cover of Victory by TimGodfrey ft IBK.
well I want to welcome you guys to my blog once more for this week I will be singing the cover of victory by Tim Godfrey. His is a Nigerian gospel artist he has lots of songs which we love his ginger in his music uplift our spirits .
The song Victory is about God giving us victory and we say we ought to lift him higher, that his amazing grace is abundant and sweet and it saves a reached sinner like us, truly his grace is so abundant and so sweet when you start to think about the kind of things that happened to you or did not happen to you because of God's grace it will leave you in awe of him like passing an examination you know you are supposed to fail but at the end the results says you passed what is that if not God's grace and love again you might be possibly sick in the hospital the doctors say's there's nothing more they can do you have given up holding on nothing but God then you go for a check up to see how it has progressed and the doctors tell you that you are a miracle because you are completely healed. That's God there doing his work his amazing grace and love giving us victory when we thought we were going to lose .
I sang the song on the key of A major
please forgive my voice at the time it was messy the song has a chord progression that is kinda confusing but I tried my best at the time after I saw a lot of errors. I am accepting teaching and corrections.
I want to thank the moderators and Administrators for this weekly event and to everyone stopping by this post may God bless you his grace will be abundant on you, thank you guys.
Hola a todos, bienvenidos a una maravillosa semana del festival de música Hive, semana 127, ronda 1 am @picazzy005 y yo cantaremos la versión de Victory de TimGodfrey ft IBK.
Bueno, quiero darles la bienvenida a mi blog una vez más. Esta semana cantaré la versión de "Victoria" de Tim Godfrey. Es un artista nigeriano de gospel y tiene muchas canciones que nos encantan.
La canción Victoria trata sobre Dios dándonos la victoria y decimos que debemos elevarlo más alto, que su increíble gracia es abundante y dulce y salva a un pecador alcanzado como nosotros. En verdad su gracia es tan abundante y tan dulce que cuando empiezas a pensar en el tipo de cosas que te sucedieron o no te sucedieron por la gracia de Dios, te dejará asombrado de él como p. Nuevamente, es posible que estés enfermo en el hospital y los médicos digan que no hay nada más que puedan hacer. Te has dado por vencido y no te aferras a nada más que a Dios. Entonces vas a un chequeo para ver cómo ha progresado.
I Canté la canción en la tonalidad de La mayor. Por favor, perdonen mi voz en ese momento, estaba desordenada. La canción tiene una progresión de acordes que es un poco confusa, pero hice lo mejor que pude en ese momento después de ver muchos errores..
Quiero agradecer a los moderadores y administradores por este evento semanal y a todos los que pasan por esta publicación que Dios los bendiga, su gracia será abundante en ustedes, gracias chicos.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch, a wretch like me
Once I was blind, but now I see
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound!
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch, a wretch like me
Once I was blind, but now I see
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound!
Call: He has given me victory
Resp: I will lift Him higher
Oh oh oh oh, I will lift Him higher
Call: He has given me victory
Resp: I will lift Him higher
Oh oh oh oh, I will lift Him higher
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch, a wretch like me
Once I was blind, but now I see
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound!
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch, a wretch like me
Once I was blind, but now I see
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound!
lyrics source
▶️ 3Speak
I wish you the best of luck.
Hola, hermosa canciòn, la cantaste muy bien. Eso que mencionaste en el post acerca del hospital le sucediò a mi cuñado. Cuando la pandemia. Èl enfermò de Covid, al igual que su espòsa - mi hermana - y sus hijas, pero èl se agravò y lo hospitalizaron. Mis dos sobrinas con Covid tambièn se turnaban para cuidarlo en el hospital.
Mi hermana no podia ir debido a su avanzada edad y que tenìa Covid tambièn.
Èl fue agravando hasta que un dia al hacerle rayos X en los pulmones - tenìa neumonìa - los encontraron totalmente blancos, perdidos y le dictaminaron 24 horas de vida. Ellos pidieron la oraciòn a muchas iglesias dentro y fuera de Venezuela -nuestro paìs natal - sorpresivamente mejorò de una dia para el otro y al tomarle otra placa sus pulmones aparecieron totalmente normales y le dieron de alta. Dios le tocò con su mano sanadora y le diò otra oportunidad. Tuvo Victoria sobre esa enfermedad por la misericordia. de Dios.
My sister couldn't go due to her advanced age and the fact that she also had Covid.
He got worse until one day, when they did an X-ray on his lungs—he had pneumonia—they found them completely white and leaking, and they gave him 24 hours to live. They asked many churches in and outside of Venezuela—our homeland—for prayer. Surprisingly, he improved overnight, and upon another x-ray, his lungs appeared completely normal, and he was discharged. God touched him with His healing hand and gave him another chance. He had victory over this illness through God's mercy.
Thank you for sharing your song. A thousand blessings and success at the Festival.
Gracias por compartir tu canciòn, mil bendicones y èxito en el Festival.
Thank you so much for coming around and shearing your story with me
I pray that God will continue to shower his grace, mercy and his love on you and your family
Muchas gracias por venir y compartir tu historia conmigo. Ruego que Dios continúe derramando su gracia, misericordia y amor sobre ti y tu familia.
Fine boy qith fine voice and good guitar combo
Good music baba
Thank you so much I really appreciate
I love your cover of this song, you did okay.
Thank you
Nice one from you bro, God has given us victory and forever we will lift Him higher. Very powerful song gratitude to our God. You perform so well dude.
Thank you so much
Amazing entry brother
Thank you
Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!
What a perfect way to seal the week, the presentation, the song and your delivery was spot on
Kudos bro
Thank you so I really appreciate
Nice presentation bro, thanks for sharing
Thank you for coming around
Amazing grace how sweet the sound you have a nice entry brother keep doing rehearsal you will get there 👍♥️🎸👋👋👋👋👋
Thank you so much
Whoosh 👏👏👏👏👏. I smiled all through the presentation. The lyrics are really reflective and deep
Thank you 👍
You're welcome and thank you for coming around
The presentation is great thanks for sharing
Thank you for coming around