Hive Music Festival Week 105 Round 3 "Look What You've Done Already" by Ovey10


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Hive Music Festival Week 105 Round 3 "Look What You've Done Already" by Ovey10



Hello everyone, Good day and welcome to week 105 round 3 of Hive Music Festival am glad to share music with the community again. I missed a couple of weeks due to some offline activities that took chunk of my time but I'm glad to be back sharing music with the community again.

This week I bring us a cover of "Look What You've Done Already" by Greatman Talkit. This has been one of my favorite songs, I've listened to so many covers of this same song in the Internet, a lot of persons have sang the sang the same song and with me here is my own version of the song.

God is merciful and He has been on the wheel thus far, He has been working behind the scene and I am really thankful to Him. Am amaze that He brought me this far, Life would have been something else if not for His grace. Sometimes I look back and I am very surprised that I am able to scale through some of the difficulties that life has challenged me with, when I look back into my past I am confident of a bright future because I see God's hands in virtually all that I do.

This song "Look what you've done already" employs us to check back into time and count our blessings and only through that, we will see what God has done in our lives already. I am a product of God's mercy, grace and protection because I wouldn't have come this far of not for His grace.

Thank you so much for tuning in, am glad that you visited my blog and I hope to see you again next time stay blessed 💕🙏

Shout everyone working to enhance music on Hive Blockchain through the music zone community..

Peace and Love to You All✌️💙

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Hola a todos, buen día y bienvenidos a la semana 105, ronda 3 del Hive Music Festival. Me alegro de volver a compartir música con la comunidad. Me perdí un par de semanas debido a algunas actividades fuera de línea que ocuparon gran parte de mi tiempo, pero me alegro de volver a compartir música con la comunidad.

Esta semana les traigo una versión de "Look What You've Done Already" de Greatman Talkit. Esta ha sido una de mis canciones favoritas, he escuchado tantas versiones de esta misma canción en Internet, muchas personas han cantado la misma canción y aquí está mi propia versión de la canción.

Dios es misericordioso y ha estado al mando hasta ahora, ha estado trabajando detrás de escena y estoy realmente agradecido con Él. Estoy sorprendido de que me haya traído hasta aquí. La vida habría sido otra cosa si no fuera por Su gracia. A veces miro hacia atrás y me sorprende mucho que pueda superar algunas de las dificultades que la vida me ha puesto a prueba. Cuando miro hacia mi pasado, confío en un futuro brillante porque veo las manos de Dios en prácticamente todo lo que hago.

Esta canción "Look what you've done Already" nos sirve para mirar hacia atrás en el tiempo y contar nuestras bendiciones y solo a través de eso, veremos lo que Dios ya ha hecho en nuestras vidas. Soy un producto de la misericordia, la gracia y la protección de Dios porque no habría llegado tan lejos sin Su gracia.

Muchas gracias por sintonizarme, me alegra que hayas visitado mi blog y espero verte de nuevo la próxima vez. Que Dios te bendiga 💕🙏

Un saludo a todos los que trabajan para mejorar la música en Hive Blockchain a través de la comunidad de la zona musical.

Paz y amor para todos ustedes ✌️💙

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Image, Property of Hive Music Festival


What would I do without your love
I feel the warmth of your arms around me
Look what you've done already
Look what you've done already

What would I do without your love
I feel the warmth of your arms around me
Look what you've done already
Look what you've done already

My eyes are open to see
My ears are open to hear
My mouth is open to speak
Of your love of your love
Of your love of your love

What would I do without your love
I feel the warmth of your arms around me
Look what you've done already
Look what you've done already
What would I do without your love
I feel the warmth of your arms around me
Look what you've done already
Look what you've done already

My eyes are open to see
My ears are open to hear
My mouth is open to speak
Of your love of your love
Of your love of your love

Lyrics Source

▶️ 3Speak


Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!


Thanks so much fam🙌💙💥


God has done many things in Our lives that's why we need to praise and worship him.
Wonderful entry.


So impressive my brother God has done alot in our lives we can't count them all thanks 🙏 for sharing man nice presentation


Yes oo He is too faithful and committed in all His ways💥🙌


Yes Boss...
Thanks for your kind comments


I just love the way you play those chord on the guitar cool and nice to the ear, i believe i need to learn more on how to play those chords right because mine is still yet to be okay


My Boss... I haven't feel your guitar impact yet but I've experienced you countless times on the keyboard, I know you to be a bad ass musician. We are learning from you Boss
Thank you for showing up🙌


I dont even know how to play the keyboard at all o, compared to you versatile boss
