🎵 Hive Open Mic | Community Updates

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.

Hive Open Mic

Community Updates


Last week's Hive Open Mic theme was: "Statement," chosen by our community's recent "Spotlight Artist": @ricardomello. For this occasion, I felt inspired to give a personal statement. This one is a straight-from-the-heart status report about where we're at as a community, in my perspective.

By the numbers, each week we receive ~80 fresh songs, featuring ~100 Hive musicians and ~10000 listeners worldwide. These numbers don't mean much, but they say something. People enjoy live music! This enjoyment is made even greater by the rarity of concerts and other live music events.

To me, the entire Hive platform is a playground for expression and connection. For those who wish to express, this is a place for free speech, diversity, tolerance, and radical thought. For those who wish to connect, this is a place for learning, discussing, and developing meaningful relationships.

For these reasons and more, Hive is an ideal place for artists to experiment and explore new territory so they can develop their talents through practice. This is where our Hive Open Mic community really shines, in my mind. Here, musicians appreciate a chance to share their music with an audience that listens globally.

Lately, Hive Open Mic is growing like wildflowers. It's a beautiful thing to witness, as musicians are blossoming through their expressions and listeners are connecting through a shared appreciation of the arts. I find myself at a standstill, not knowing how to handle the growth, and not knowing who to ask for help... just trusting the process as it flows.

Thankfully, I am supported by my fellow moderators @mipiano and @juliopalomo. We are also boosted by the @ocd team, and specifically @acidyo, who rally behind our curation efforts with their valuable upvotes, rewarding the musicians. Further, we are boosted by the individual artists and listeners, many of whom participate regularly in this event, contributing as brothers and sisters to this global community.

Thank you, everybody.

My Personal Statement

Last week was the first week since the beginning when I did not make time to share a song. I forgive myself for placing my attention elsewhere, overwhelming my schedule, missing the chance to connect with this community. I apologize to any artists who might've felt unseen, unheard, or unappreciated in my absence. I honor you, I know how you feel, and I'm proud of you for showing up for yourself - that's big!



Hive Open Mic - Week 56 is underway now.

This week's invitation is: “Quiet Desert.”


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