Chilled Weekend - Travelling Man



After yesterday's chilled out music release going live, I'm going to continue with the chilled music theme this weekend and share one of my personal favourites in the more relaxed realm of my catalog.

Those who have been following me for a while on here will have remembered me sharing this tune before where I travelled to New Zealand back in 2019 and released a 6 track EP to celebrate the adventure.

This particular track has a special place being the first of the Travel Diaries EP and it was my first attempt at trying a "minor 9th" chord which is a bit like having two chords in one to give this trance like sound.

You can hear it in the first sequence of the track but it's more obvious at 1:50 with that sweeping synth chord that moves in and out.

I will probably try this in future tracks as it gives a nice dimension to the tune and maybe even combine it with other minor 9ths to see if we can make some old school sounding vibes!

Enjoy the chilled sounds this weekend, I think we all need a bit of downtime, rest and recharge! Have a good one!
