Daily composition 21st March 2025
Sat down with the iPad in the sitting room tonight, found a chord progression on the piano in Logic Pro that sounded really nice and built up some melodic ideas around it. The drums and bass line have been laid down using the session players in Logic with some direction on how they should sound and it took shape from there. Now I suspect this idea will sit on the device for a little while and I shall flesh it out a little more as and when.
I love the pattern editor in Logic, it’s one of the most powerful there is and we shall explore that a little bit more in my future posts here.
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I'm impressed with what these apps can do. I saw someone on Mastodon say they have a room full of gear that their other half thinks they need to make music, but they made a hit song on their laptop on a train journey. I'm still more of a physical instrument guy.
It’s very cool tech and funnily enough I’m going to buy myself a new keyboard synth soon so that I can play play too.
Oh and incidentally I composed an idea whilst charging the car earlier. Which will no doubt go into the library. I’m going to make my project files available for download via Gumtree.