

This is something of a two sequencer track, two voices, both poly being played by the incredible Oxi Coral. I used the Oxi One to sequence and perform the piece, using Stochastic sequencing, which is a technique by which you can specify some musical probabilities to determine the order or arrangement of elements in a sequence. I like to think of it as being pseudo-random, as in you have a degree of control but there is variety to keep the composition somewhat spicy and interesting. On top of this, the legato notes were played by me in real-time, as a response to the stochastic sequence that flows underneath it, which is why I called this “Ebb”. Additionally I patched the Oxi One to the Modular and using a combination of global modwheel tweaking along the way, I used the Mod grid to sequence the filter changes, which is what you hear towards the end of the song.
Collection: Modulations
Creator: @nicklewis
Total Edition(s): 100
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nicklewis 1 Limited Production Rights 200 MUSIC ($0.000)
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@nicklewis tokenized 100 editions
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