Hive Open Mic | Semana N° 257 Cover "Al Contemplarte en la Cruz" "Contemplating You on the Cross"
Para esta semana les presentaré la canción "Al Contemplarte en la Cruz" porque la considero muy acordé con el tema. Está canción es interpretada por la artista Athenas en su Álbum "Todo es Tuyo" en el año 2018 y fué compuesta por Tobias Buteler y Athenas Venica.
Agradecida primero con Dios por poder participar está semana a pesar de estar afectada con este virus, a todos ustedes por escuchar y ver mi video, dejando sus comentarios y sugerencias. Dios los bendiga
Los videos e imágenes usados en este video son libres de derecho de autor y los pueden encontrar en el siguiente link:
Este video fué grabado por un teléfono Tecno y se utilizó la aplicación Inshot.
El video fué grabado y editado por mi hijo Carlos Funes.
Greetings friends of the Hive, especially the great family of the Hive Open Mic, with you once again @nellynohemi very happy to be able to participate in week 257 with the theme "Lent". Today I bring you the Christian song called "Contemplating You on the Cross". I hope you like it.Lent reminds us of the 40 days that Jesus was in the desert, they are days before Holy Week, it is a period that calls us to reflect on studying and following the word of God. It begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with the Mass of Holy Thursday, during this time the color purple is used in churches as a sign of sacrifice, penitence and preparation.
For this week I will present the song "Al Contemplarte en la Cruz" because I consider it very appropriate with the theme. This song is performed by the artist Athenas on her album "It's all yours" in 2018 and was composed by Tobias Buteler and Athenas Venica.
I am grateful first to God for being able to participate this week despite being affected by this virus, to all of you for listening and watching my video, leaving your comments and suggestions. God bless you.
The videos and images used in this video are copyright free and can be found at the following link: link:
This video was recorded with a Tecno phone and the Inshot app was used.
The video was recorded and edited by my son Carlos Funes.
Al Contemplarte en la Cruz
Siendo Dios, fuiste tan humilde
Hombre Tú te hiciste, traicionado y rechazado
Siendo Dios, tomaste mi lugar
Cargaste en tus hombros mis heridas y pecados
Fue por mí, te entregaste
Para darme vida nueva y rescatarme
Al contemplarte en la Cruz
Al contemplar tanto amor
No puedo más que adorarte
Mi vida entregarte
Al contemplarte en la Cruz
Al contemplar tanto amor
No puedo más que adorarte
Mi vida entregarte
Siendo Dios, tomaste mi lugar
Cargaste en tus hombros mis heridas y pecados
Fue por mí, te entregaste
Para darme vida nueva y rescatarme
Al contemplarte en la Cruz
Al contemplar tanto amor
No puedo más que adorarte
Mi vida entregarte
Al contemplarte en la Cruz
Al contemplar tanto amor
No puedo más que adorarte
Mi vida entregarte
Al contemplarte en la Cruz
Al contemplar tanto amor
No puedo más que adorarte
Mi vida entregarte
Al contemplarte en la Cruz
Al contemplar tanto amor
No puedo más que adorarte
Mi vida entregarte
Contemplating You on the Cross
Being God, you were so humble
Man You became, betrayed and rejected
Being God, you took my place
You carried my wounds and sins on your shoulders
It was for me, you gave yourself
To give me new life and rescue me
When I contemplated you on the Cross
When I contemplated so much love
I can do nothing but adore you
Give my life to you
When I contemplated you on the Cross
When I contemplated so much love
I can do nothing but adore you
Give my life to you
When I contemplated you on the Cross
When I contemplated so much love
I can do nothing but adore you
Give my life to you
Being God, you took my place
You carried my wounds and sins on your shoulders
It was for me, you gave yourself
To give me new life and rescue me
When I contemplated you on the Cross
When I contemplated so much love
I can do nothing but adore you
Give my life to you
When I contemplated you on the Cross
When I contemplated so much love
I can do nothing but adore you
Give my life to you
When I contemplated you on the Cross
When I contemplated so much love
I can do nothing but adore you
Give my life to you
When I contemplated you on the Cross
When I contemplated so much love
I can do nothing but adore you more than adoring you
Giving you my life
Contemplating you on the Cross
Contemplating so much love
I can do nothing but adore you
Giving you my life
Athenas - Al Contemplarte en la Cruz | Contemplating You on the Cross
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Qué belleza de canción! Me encantan las canciones de Athenas Venica. Nos compartiste una elección perfecta para esta temática, gracias por eso.