Heartbreaking Rain - (My Favorite Song For Raining Season) & Rising Star Game Progress

Heartbreaking Rain

If I look at the sky right now, the clouds are thick, and the sun is hidden behind a gloomy veil. Soon, it begins to rain. When raindrops fall, they have a way of affecting people's moods. When I was young and heartbroken, I often wanted to run out into the rain and scream, feeling consumed by my emotions. Raindrops have the power to stir human hearts. Today, the clouds are overcast, and the sky looks like it's about to cry. The song I'm listening to is a tragic one about rain, aptly named "Heartbreaking Rain" by Thar Deelu.

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You're going to go the farthest. When there is no right to prevent
Just wave goodbye. I'm just going to blame fate
Someday we don't know if we'll meet again
Shut up because you're in tears. I want to give you just one kiss
Take it as a last memory. Fate is too cruel
We just pray that we can meet again
It has been raining ever since. Destroy the world
The whole heart is gloomy. It rains like a catastrophe. Heartbreaking rain...

Heartbreaking Rain - Thar Deelu


Game Progress Update

Greetings, fellow gamers! @myanmarkoko here with the latest updates from the captivating realm of Rising Star. Currently at level 134 with 2020 XP points, I find myself immersed in the dynamic in-game universe while reminiscing about the nostalgic charm of my hometown.


A Glimpse into My Profile:

  • Main Profile: 25 Dalilah
  • Members: R407 Malai, The Ego, 13 Busker, 87 Donna, and 150 Wolfie

I had the pleasure of buying a pack and received 3 cards. You can see into below photo what type cards I got.


My ranking is decreasing to 563 to 564. So, I need to do missions more and more to increase my ranking.
Browse the images below, showcasing completed missions and my current rank in the Rising Star Game.



I am just focus on Pro Missions currently.
I have 4 members in my Pro Band.

-Jaxx: NFT ID 6692815 Level 10
-Jack: NFT ID 6747011 Level 10
-Juniper: NFT ID 14987864 Level 10
-Marcia: NFT ID 7836009 Level 10
-Scott: NFT ID 8951319, Level 10
-Nora: NFT ID 15472560, Level 10


You can listen my pro band music here

Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters in my Rising Star adventure as I strive for more XP points and aim for level 150. To my fellow gamers, let's keep the rhythm alive!

All game images from Rising Star Game>>> >▶

