Hive Music Festival Week 119 - Round 2 // Symphony Of Destruction (Bass Cover) By @musicandreview
This week is coming to an end and I want to close it with a flourish, so I will share with you one of the songs that I have always liked the most. When I met the existence of the American band Megadeth it was like love at first sight, their Thrash Metal characterized by their unique style opened my eyes to what is good music. “Symphony of Destruction” which is the song I share today, is one of the first songs I heard from them along with others like ‘Tornado of Souls’, ‘Peace Sells’ and ‘Swearing Bullets’, all these are fixed in my playlist every time I listen to music to relax, of course, there are also many others that I like a lot.
At my age, I have been fortunate to see many international bands live, in previous years practically the vast majority of bands that toured South America surely passed through Venezuela and I took advantage of those golden years of concerts in this country, however, Megadeth is one of those that have been elusive to me. They recently performed in the city of Lima, where I lived for several years, but by that time I had already left there, I always think that if at that time I had been there, well, I would have surely attended the long awaited concert.

Esta finalizando la semana y quiero cerrarla con broche de oro, es así que compartiré con ustedes una de las canciones que más me gustan desde siempre. Cuando conocí la existencia de la banda estadounidense Megadeth fue como amor a primera vista, su Thrash Metal caracterizado por su estilo único me abrieron los ojos respecto a lo que es buena música. “Symphony of Destruction” que es la canción que hoy comparto, es de las primeras canciones que escuché de ellos junto con otras como “Tornado of Souls”, “Peace Sells” y “Swearing Bullets”, todas estas están fijas en mi playlist cada vez que escucho música para relajarme, claro que, también hay muchas otras más que me gustan mucho.
A mi edad, he tenido la fortuna de ver muchas bandas internacionales en vivo, en años anteriores prácticamente la gran mayoría de bandas que hacían giras por Sudamérica de seguro pasaban por Venezuela y yo aproveché esos años dorados de conciertos en éste país, sin embargo, Megadeth es de esas que han sido esquivas para mí. Ellos se presentaron hace poco en la ciudad de Lima, que donde viví varios años, pero para ese momento ya me había ido de allí, siempre pienso que sí en ese momento hubiera estado allá, pues, con toda seguridad habría asistido a tan esperado concierto.

And put him in control
Watch him become a God
Watch people′s heads a-roll
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony of destruction
It's metal brain corrodes
You try to take its pulse
Before the head explodes
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Swaying to the symphony of destruction
World powers fall
A warring for the heavens
A peaceful man stands tall
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Swaying to the symphony of destruction
To record this bass cover I downloaded the song from the band's official Youtube channel, then, I used the Moises application to remove the original bass line, that way I could record a completely clean line. I applied a couple of effects to give prominence to the bass since it is obviously the central element in my performances, but I tried not to overdo it in modifying the original sound previously recorded. I hope my presentation this week is to everyone's liking, I really like to humbly share my bass covers with the community, best regards!
Para grabar éste cover de bajo descargué la canción del canal oficial de Youtube de la banda, luego, usé la aplicación Moises para eliminar la línea de bajo original, de esa forma pude grabar una línea completamente limpia. Apliqué un par de efectos para dar protagonismo al bajo ya que evidentemente es el elemento central en mis presentaciones, pero traté de no exagerar en modificar el sonido original previamente grabado. Espero que mi presentación de ésta semana sea del agrado de todos, de verdad me gusta compartir humildemente mis covers de bajo con la comunidad. ¡Un fuerte abrazo!

- Band: Megadeth
- Track
- Lyrics Source
-Used tools/Herramientas usadas:
- Video recorded with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Video edited with: CapCut
- Main image edited with: PowerPoint 2016
- Translator: DeepL Translate

▶️ 3Speak
exceleeenteeeeeeeeeeee... rock on bro. tremendo
Me alegra que te haya gustado bro! Saludos!
Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!
Mil gracias por el apoyo! Que tengan un excelente día!
Beautiful presentation boss I really love how you play your bass guitar 🥰
Thank you for your kind words. Have a nice day.
That's some excellent metal right there. Love me some Megadeth.
This is without a doubt a very good song, I'm glad you like it.
Too bad you could not attend the concert they gave in Lima for obvious reasons, but sooner or later they may come to Venezuela and you can go to see and hear them, everything happens for a reason 🙏
Excellent cover my friend, very good rhythm! ❤️
The time will surely come, it's just a matter of patience, as you say, everything happens for a reason. Greetings!
I am very inspired listening to this beautiful presentation
Glad you liked it!
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