The difference between equality and the ideal of equality



Energy is real. One way of making sense of this life is that each person is assigned a different amount of energy according to their rhythms, responsibilities and capacity.

To face pain willingly instead of avoiding it when it is conducive to do so increases one's capacity to wield, deal, process and delegate energy.

Discipline is the gauge.

The idea we are all equal is nice - like we are conditioned to believe so - but if that were the case, we would be living in a very bland and grey world. When one cultures energy at a level and is approached by another trying to enforce energetic equality by default as a 'do gooder' kind of thing - It can actually be a kind of energetic totalitarianism.

Music is a prime example and the universes we explore in music with other musicians.

The assumption every one should play music together places everyone on the same level. That means that the person with the lowest discipline holds everyone in that group to that level.

It is everyone's right who they have sex with. It is no different with music. After denial of a sexual advance, we don't turn around and then say, "but sex is for everyone and sex is about community," then force everyone to participate or make them feel guilty for not 'doing community' - do we?

We can assist others in attaining a higher level of discipline but no one can do the work for us - it requires individual application.

There is no magic of manifesting that will take away the pain required to build discipline and discover through discipline a greater potential to serve.

So I write this because it is often assumed because I am a musician, I want to play with all other musicians, not giving me a choice who to play with using an ideal of equality then imposing guilt for not participating. Then to go on to make assumptions about me and my choices. Not so dissimilar to the rejection of a sexual advance 🤪

Unfortunately, the world of energy is filled with all sorts, high and low, negative and positive. Only by culturing my energy alone have I found a way to express the delicate things inside my heart - kept away from overly dominant people who sit at a level in their creativity but can't get higher because they are always trying to control everything that the universe expresses through them. It has taken a long time of keeping my essence secret and working on it without sharing to find and birth this nucleus of energy which is me.

There are very few people who can be present with that and not need or want to control it. It is pure energy with infinite potential. Too often this need for control is exerted subconsciously - it sits deep within many 'do gooder' people who believe themselves to be an emissary of equality and protector of innocence. In this, denial makes it harder, especially when someone has worked their way into your life and it is clear this can not work as the way they do or use energy blocks your core from its power source. While around them there is no choice but to participate with their dominant energetic spectrum - which limits your ability to expand.

It is like being forced into their life problems then needing to find a way out - only to find you have to fix them before you can both raise frequency together - but if the person does not want to raise after multiple attempts - it is just simply not your responsibility.

We are self responsible.

They might be likened to a soul yearning for healing but did not ask for your consent to use you - and yet teeter on the edge of progress but use you as a crutch or an an energetic scape goat or even a teacher in order to avoid the responsibility of facing themselves to move forward.

It is the same with the way we hold company socially.

It has only taken me 37 years to figure all this out.

Every person within them holds their own universe which they imprint onto the world around them.

Only service to others in alignment with other universes that truly seek the same expands the energy field to create a web of interconnected realities which support life.

When the attack of the self interested comes, their worth is seen in their accusations.

I hold a very subtle realm within which needs to remain within me untouched. I meet others occasionally who see this. I also meet those who like real estate agents see uncharted territory having aligned their intuitive compass to a need for a constant increase of energy but failing to really know what responsibility that energy holds - and with this behaviour kill the realms future potential with grappling hands addicted to control and power (it's such a common theme within the group mind).

It is like a 12 volt battery which decides one day it believes in manifestation that it can power a city, then blames the power stations for not letting it join the club and projects all its 12 volt woes onto it. It may even go and get a team of other 12 volters to rally against the power stations and yet no one wants to take responsibility of what it really means to be a power station - an unconditional service or conduit in service to the all - open, honest and vulnerable.

There are steps to growth that are possible but it must be done by the individual alone then guides can be met at each of the steps. We want power but do we want the responsibility that comes part and parcel with it?

When all defences are down and vulnerability is real, we have the opportunity to create trust.

When those around us expose our flaws which we have not seen in self honesty. We have an opportunity to increase awareness.

The decision to block out this chance to grow - is the decision to die.

Life keeps giving death chances to be alive. How very kind. How many chances before it stops trying?

That is up to us. We leave hooks for it to grab onto, even if we block it out. We intuitively allow intrusions into our field because we innately see a path of healing within and through all the pain these paths may cause us.

We are our own teachers.

We wonder why our intuition leads us to dark places.

And then we face the final test of our awareness which takes us to the brink and over the edge - we then expand into a new horizon - only to repeat the same thing in that new world.

The final layer seems to be relinquishing all control and giving up all insecurities - To stop being special, to stop using intuition, to simply be, make mistakes if they come and face life, living free from restraint and expectations.

We have come a long way to figure this little lesson out. This repeated washing machine called the human condition has a reason behind it.

At some point we have to give up and let go and let apples fall where they may, to stop reading the stars or listening to guides and just be.

The truth is as simple and close as our breath - thoughts come shortly after.
