RE: It's always been you teaching you - you are alone but this is not a handicap - it's freedom


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Some good perspectives there - for certain different learning styles for different people that have different learning centres and senses activated more than others.

I suppose my bias is more in sympathy your comments - but I do mention the dominance of the classical/traditional written music world in this derogatory fashion for a reason - because it really does need to be put in its place.

It is valid, yes. It is wonderful for those whose minds work in this particular way - but it does not make them better or 'real musicians'.

The ear training method is very important, I agree. But I superimpose that with something which I also promote and commented on briefly towards the end - the 'feel' training method.

Find the music through feel. Imagine that only you and the instrument exists - there is no sight or seeing or images - there is only tone and darkness.

What tone do you feel?

Setting aside a part of practice that allows a kind of 'flow music' to flower from the being - or at least allows a fertile ground in which it can root and do so - is an important part of development and discovering the capacity of the mind to harness and channel the energies, elements and spiritual world around us.

I have a particular view on music which I discovered some Sufi sects promote - in that music is a spiritual discipline of its own order and requires no dogma outside of itself. The study of it and the complexities of tone and the immersion of the being within tone - far exceeds the requirements for a school of life.


hm. Lots to think about here. I feel this when I sing well, that there is just me and my body letting the music make itself, a lot like freewriting. Music is some kind of portal, I know that. I enter a different reality when I do it well. I think I might even make music so that I can go there. It's an intelligence that is not of this reality. Or a supra intelligence, that we are being systematically deprived from developing. With AI. auto tune and all the other technology out there to tinker with the product, I'll bet many of the artists now are not making the music entirely themselves. Maybe this is why I can only truly enjoy live music.


Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! It's wonderful to explore things in an 'inquiry of the mind' fashion - where we detach from the outcome and just flow with a shared intention/goal.

I can see humanity is craving authenticity and this may result in a technophobic minority coming to the fore. Let's wait and see what happens in this interesting world we've found ourselves in!

In the meantime, let's be ourselves and assist others to do the same in whatever shape/way/form that may be.

Kindest regards,



let's be ourselves and assist others to do the same in whatever shape/way/form that may be.

